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News on LTNs? (Leith/Corstorphine/East Craigs Connections/Oxford)

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  1. chdot

  2. chdot

    These lefty eco loons know people aren't going to give up their cars so they're slowly implementing LTN's and other anti motorist schemes so it's impossible to use your car. It's not like years ago when people had employment on their doorstep. Car ownership drives the economy.

    Probably true

    Which is several parts of the problem!

    Posted 1 year ago #
  3. neddie

    Every inch of LTNs are accessible by cars. So those claims are utter nonsense

    Posted 1 year ago #
  4. Morningsider

    Except claims of mass long-distance commuting are rubbish. the average car commute in Britain is 22 minutes long (Labour Force Survey). Scottish Census 2011 (still waiting on the 2022 census results) figures show that 47.1% of working people had a commute of under 5km, 66.3% had a commute of under 10km.

    Most people really do live quite near to their work. Not surprising really, it's sort of the whole point of cities.

    The median Scottish car trip was 6.6km in 2021 (Scottish Transport Statistics).

    Posted 1 year ago #
  5. gembo

    The Amish have bypassed cars. They have moved from horses and buggies and walking to Electric Bikes.

    What’s good enough for the Pennsylvania Dutch could work for us.?

    Posted 1 year ago #
  6. neddie

    That’s great news. I often have envy of the Amish life, but no bikes would be a killer

    E-bikes definitely needed in drawn out Ameri ca ca

    Posted 1 year ago #
  7. gembo

    You can even keep your beard but the moustache will have to go as seen as ostentatious.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  8. Wout Van Aerthur Seat

    The horrific 'I Love Leith' group celebrating pictures of tipped over planters on Sandport Place bridge this morning. It's amazing that we ever get any progress in the face of such moronic behaviour.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  9. Stickman

    OUTRAGE and FURY over the new bus gate on Manse Road, Corstorphine.

    Question is whether the council will stick to their guns long enough for the initial CHAOS to calm down or whether they will give in to the demands of the new Facebook group which wants it removed.

    The people objecting are claiming concern for the safety of Corstorphine Primary kids. Many of the same people also objected to the creation of two school streets there, the introduction of traffic calming measures and pavement widening on the High Street, and to the 20mph limit.

    I suspect, as usual, that the council have watered down the scheme and it won’t be as effective as it could have been.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  10. neddie

    Oh, they always claim "the safety of children" - like loads of cars driving everywhere is "safe"! - no it isn't, it's just been normalised

    Posted 1 year ago #
  11. chdot

    @ neddie

    Yes to all that

    Think everyone resents having ‘privileges’ challenged/taken away.

    Too many people don’t accept/understand the privileges they have and how they relate to what other people have (or don’t).

    We clearly live in age where too many people expect car ownership/driving to be a right rather than a privilege.

    Perhaps worse are people who realise and feel even more threatened(?)

    The whole children things is mostly perverse/disingenuous.

    They mostly care about their children - it’s safer to drive them - without enough concern for those who don’t get driven OR any awareness of how - to some degree - they disadvantage their own.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  12. Stickman

    People driving over the pavement to get round the closures in the Leith LTN:

    A new Facebook group to oppose the Corstorphine LTN: “Accessible Corstorphine for Everyone”

    Posted 1 year ago #
  13. Stickman

    “Of course we’re concerned about pollution and congestion and something must be done, but we are absolutely opposed to this particular measure. No, we don’t have any other suggestions. “

    Posted 1 year ago #
  14. steveo

    Won't somebody think of the children

    Posted 1 year ago #
  15. Murun Buchstansangur

    "Keen cyclist" "undemocratic" "this isn't cyclists versus motorists" HOUSE!!!

    PS is anyone aware of the verb 'bamby' existing in either Scots or English?

    Posted 1 year ago #
  16. Morningsider

    Who knew so many people chose to live in Corstorphine due its well-deserved reputation as a traffic free oasis in this crazy city? Now that oasis is no more!

    SHAmE On yoU CitY of EDinbURGh CLOWNCIL!!!

    I hear they plan to install a one-way system in the penguin enclosure at the zoo next!

    Posted 1 year ago #
  17. gembo

    Something must be done,

    Under the Gembo Junta

    People cannot make objections without improved counter proposals

    Posted 1 year ago #
  18. neddie

    aye, you can already hear the "improvements"...

    re-phase the lights

    one more lane

    get rid of bus/cycle lanes / "artificial" congestion / bollards / plant pots

    flyover to bypass Corstorphine

    fill the potholes

    move the school somewhere else

    Posted 1 year ago #
  19. Stickman

    Although the council have again made a tactical mistake.

    It was pretty obvious that, as is now happening, some drivers would instead start using Corstorphine Park Gardens->Station Road. The council even planned for that in the TTRO by having the option to make Station Road one-way. But instead they’ve held that back and will introduce it “if needed”.

    So when the inevitable happens in the next week or so and they have to do this, then they’ll get the “CLOWNCIL don’t know what they are doing” and another round of headlines, relighting the fire.

    Should have done the whole thing at once and get all the pain out of the way.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  20. neddie

    Yep. Typical council - make massive compromises before they've even started the negotiation

    Question: Is half an LTN worse than no LTN at all?

    Posted 1 year ago #
  21. Stickman

    LibDems seeking residents’ views on the Corstorphine LTN, no doubt to back up their inevitable opposition to something that they voted for. Or is that unjustified cynicism?

    Posted 1 year ago #
  22. acsimpson

    @neddie, If the aim of the LTN is to reduce traffic cutting up past the primary school during school hours then I would say the half LTN is better than none. Although given that the timings on a Friday don't match the lunchtime school finish I'm not sure they have the half correctly designed.

    @Stickman, The Libdems are in a tricky position. They know that their voters need to drive less but they also know that their voters are fickle people many of who vote with their accelerator pedals.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  23. Stickman

    "over 1000 people ready to protest against it"

    Do you hear the people sing?
    Singing a song of angry men?

    Posted 1 year ago #
  24. gembo

    Someone called Strong Arm and someone called Pidgon Posting having a debate without too many insults.

    Normally claims are made like 70 per cent off but when I put on my specs the small print says Up to 70 per cent off and most items are usual twenty per cent off

    Obviously Pidgin Posting is right

    And Strong Arm’s claim that Over 1000 people are ready to protest is very bold.

    I am ready to take Berlin but first we take Manhattan (singing that tomorrow in Dean Gardens will cost ypu a fiver. For charity. ) what is the name of the band you are in Gembo? I hear you ask. I say We Travel In Hope. Check is on Facebook, if you go there.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  25. Stickman

    Claims of a Corstorphine business losing £5000 in the last week as their parking has been “effectively blocked”. No information about the location.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  26. Stickman

    “Accessible Corstorphine for Everyone” has a new website. It includes some sample quotes from people explaining why they oppose the changes.

    Motorists of Corstorphine helplessly forced into another council-created steel trap, ironically hoping to save the planet by further clogging up St John’s Road with congestion

    A steel trap?

    I have a 96 year old Grandmother and a Mother in her 70s, both have limited mobility and cannot walk long distances, they attend the doctors surgery at Featherhall regularly which requires transport. These restrictions are to the detriment of their quality of life in the community"

    There is still car access to the surgery.

    ”More traffic on St John's Road and coming up station road because you can't use manse road after you have been to tesco. I would normally go over by St Margarets park and up manse road and avoid a majority of St John's Road and the nightmare that is drumbrae roundabout but have to use alternative routes now"

    This is the very definition of the rat running the scheme is designed to stop.

    It's going to affect businesses in Corstorphine very negatively because people can't get parked and will be scared to take a chance of even trying;

    Two spaces have been removed from Manse Road and bollards have been installed to prevent pavement parking on Kirk Loan. All other parking is completely unchanged and remains accessible.

    how do I get to my dentist now on St John's road from Wester Hailes?

    If driving, then by Meadow Place Road, Drumbrae roundabout then St John’s Road.

    The centre of Corstorphine is now extremely unattractive. Choked with cars backed up on all streets. Nowhere now to stop for shopping, even on foot, you can only buy what you can carry.

    This is just insane and appears to be written by someone who hasn’t visited Corstorphine in decades. And as noted above, there is no change to any parking.

    A lot of the older generation like to go out and about and do their own shopping but taking buses away it will result in them not going out

    No buses are being taken away.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  27. chdot

    Post truth society.

    Keep calling them out.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  28. gembo

    As the Glitter band used to nearly Sing

    Ga-Mon Ga-Mon

    Posted 1 year ago #
  29. Stickman

    We’ve already reached the harrassing shop staff stage of opposition:

    I have personally visited every business on St John’s Rd, adjacent streets to canvas opinion on the LTN ONLY the obvious 1 was for it. Only a public meeting can let you see the strength of feeling you have provoked. This could have been different.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  30. neddie

    Looking at his Twitter profile, I'd guess he's in the motor trade

    Ironic too that his profile pic shows him sitting enjoying a cocktail in what looks like a pedestrianised or low-traffic area

    He follows JRM, BoJo, Trump, Farage, GB News and a load of anti-LTN accounts - need I say more...

    Posted 1 year ago #

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