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News on LTNs? (Leith/Corstorphine/East Craigs Connections/Oxford)

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  1. chdot

    This is about SfP, but…

    The measures have not been without their critics.

    We recognise that making changes to how we use our roads and pavements can be concerning to many people, particularly in a time of change.

    Those fears often subside once people can see the changes in operation, and appreciate the benefits to those who live and work in the area.

    That said, in some areas, there has been a vocal minority of opposition that seems out of proportion with the measures being put in place.

    We have had some campaign groups publishing misinformation about the scheme.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  2. Stickman

    Scott Arthur visited the area this morning during the bus gate operational hours.

    His speeded-up video shows a distinct lack of traffic chaos.

    Wonder what his comments about his experience of it will be?

    Posted 1 year ago #
  3. steveo

    The comments on twitter are a riot.
    1000's of residents waiting to discuss it with him... I doubt these ejits could form a five aside football match with a weeks notice.

    As an actual resident of one of the streets he went through I'd only like to say these schemes are woefully inadequate and need to be radical not messing around at the edges but I doubt thats what the clowns have in mind.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  4. chdot

    Hard to get much sense of anything from that video.

    Who manages the cones?

    Posted 1 year ago #
  5. steveo

    The jani

    Posted 1 year ago #
  6. chdot

    Do they get ‘respected’?

    Posted 1 year ago #
  7. steveo

    The cones do but people drive in from Tylers Acre Road which isn't coned off and "policing" is left to the school staff generally. A driver threatened one of playground assistants with a golf club when she asked him* not to park in front of the school.

    *He was picking up a bloody child...

    Posted 1 year ago #
  8. chdot

    I’d get the HT to call the police.

    BUT such things shouldn’t be up to school staff or (at some schools) parent volunteers.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  9. Stickman

    Here’s the actual-speed video. 30 minutes of Cllr Arthur cycling round Corstorphine looking for signs of TRafFIc chAOs and, apart from St John’s Road, finding only quiet streets.

    Keep an eye out for all the pavement parking in Carrick Knowe at the start.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  10. Stickman

    The main cause for the delays in Drumbrae in the last few weeks is the temporary traffic light where they are installing a new pedestrian crossing at Drum Brae Drive.

    Absolutely nothing to do with cycle lanes, LTNs or a war on the motorist.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  11. chdot

    Well Google says 7 mins by car (can’t be sure of exact start/finish points).

    Does direct route involve any of the LTN?

    Presumably she’s imagining the problem is ‘displaced traffic’(?).

    Posted 1 year ago #
  12. steveo

    BUT such things shouldn’t be up to school staff or (at some schools) parent volunteers

    I think it was escalated to the police but not heard anything else.

    The police are there on occasion but yeah it needs to be daily or cctv enforcement of something.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  13. chdot

  14. chdot

    “These LTNs are meant to stop traffic in the quieter parts of town to stop busy traffic detouring around. There’s a video showing an ambulance not being able to get through one of these traffic filters.

    “They make them look pretty, but they are setting them up to restrict people entirely. Now they’re trying to say that everything will be within your 15 or 20 minutes. But how possible is that when you look at the wider community? What if someone’s disabled and they have a carer that comes from a certain distance? That carer will not be allowed to come to that area to care for that person that needs it. I think it’s just dystopian control.

    “The opportunity to have your question heard, or to have an opposing or alternative opinion, was essentially silenced. I think anyone in the local community in Oxford would probably tell you, they feel completely ignored.”

    From an article by Jaymie Icke (son of David) in a publication ( mentioned in new BBC investigation -

    Marianna in Conspiracyland

    Entering Conspiracyland

    The Light: Inside the UK’s conspiracy theory newspaper that shares violence and hate

    Posted 1 year ago #
  15. Stickman

    Due to the timings of the LTN’s bus lanes (I assume this is supposed to be bus gate, bus lanes are unchanged), he is forced to stay at home at some parts of the day and can’t make his way to basic necessities such as the bank, cafes and to his local supermarket

    “I can’t walk that far and I rely on my car, I can’t get to my closest shops, I can’t get to any shops between Iceland and the roundabout during the hours that the LTN operates. It is too dangerous for me to walk to the shops; I can’t take a left at Featherhall Avenue it is becoming impossible.”

    “If I want to go to the bank or if I want to meet someone for coffee, I just can’t do it, I can only do it during the times that have been allocated. It is virtually impossible for me to move around.”

    Very difficult to ask questions about this particular case without appearing insensitive, but if he can drive and lives on Featherhall Road then he can get to SJR by Featherhall Avenue/Corstorphine High Street/Drumbrae roundabout. Despite what some people are claiming, this only takes a couple of minutes longer. All the parking at the places he mentioned is unchanged.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  16. chdot

  17. Morningsider

    @Stickman - that isn't journalism. If it was the "reporter" would have checked whether the claims were true.

    There is a vast difference between the stated " is virtually impossible for me to move around" and the reality of having to drive an extra few hundred metres.

    Also, talk of "...the times I have been allocated..." for travel is veering very close to "15-minute cities" conspiracy chatter.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  18. Arellcat

    SA says:

    "We’ve retained access for all residents travelling by car too, alongside these changes, so that those who need to can drive to and from their homes."

    I can't even tell from the article what's closed and when and what isn't.

    Also, what's the setup for Manse Road nowadays? Are motor vehicles prohibited?

    I used to use it occasionally on my motorbike because Craiglockhart Avenue is so bad at rush hour that I'd turn left at the bottom and go via Longstone and Carricknowe to get to Corstorphine Road by the zoo, instead of turning right from Craiglockhart and going via Chesser, Gorgie and Balgreen.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  19. Stickman


    The entirety of the changes:

    - Manse Rd has a bus gate at the junction with St John’s Road operating 08:00 - 10:00 and 14:45 - 18:30, Mon - Fri. Bikes, buses and taxis can exit onto SJR.

    - There is no exit from Featherhall Avenue onto SJR at any time

    - Featherhall Crescent is closed to motor vehicles at Meadowplace Road.

    That’s it. That’s the whole scheme. All parts of the area still fully accessible by vehicle, all parking unchanged.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  20. boothym

    "I can’t take a left at Featherhall Avenue it is becoming impossible." - no explanation or questioning of why he can't turn that way?

    The bank for example isn't open until half 9 anyway so he's being forced to drive a different route for half an hour in the morning and 1hr45 in the afternoon.

    Maybe it isn't entirely "fair" and he should be allowed to go through the bus gate with a blue badge, but surely discussions of fairness should involve why the scheme has been implemented (i.e. to make it fairer for school kids etc).

    Posted 1 year ago #
  21. acsimpson

    It's very unclear why anyone should need to use a car to drive from Featherhall to St John's road. It's a couple of hundred metres at most. Surely something which a mobility scooter would be far more suited too.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  22. neddie

    Also, who goes to the bank these days?

    Posted 1 year ago #
  23. chdot

    New markings on a Leith street directing cyclists onto oncoming traffic on a one-way street will stay in place, a council has said, despite being described by locals as “an accident waiting to happen".

    Posted 1 year ago #
  24. acsimpson

    @Neddie, enough people still go to the bank that some branches are being retained. Older generations in particular don't do everything online.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  25. Stickman

    Great to join local Councillors Fiona Bennett and Alan Beal on the doors of Featherhall, in the first of our consultative street surgeries about the Corstorphine Low Traffic Neighbourhood measures.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  26. chdot

    Many residents have been in touch with the Lib Dem team about the newly implemented changes brought in as part of the Low Traffic Neighbourhood.

    There's a mix of opinions on it out there - so that’s why we want to hear from you.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  27. Stickman

    My day started with a young mum in Corstorphine at 8am - she took me on the school run to illustrate some of the impact the Corstorphine Connections project has on her.

    I'll be at @CorstorphineCC this evening to hear more feedback from residents

    Scott Arthur about to get his first experience of a group of angry locals shouting at him and a council transport officer.

    Given my past experience of past public meetings I won’t be going along.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  28. chdot

    Actually I think you should go, but completely understand why you won’t!

    Posted 1 year ago #
  29. steveo

    Saughton Road North was shut at the high street for a few days last week unbelievable how quiet it was and so far as I can tell the world didn't collapse.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  30. Stickman

    @steveo - aye, it was!

    Just had someone tell me that we need to remove all the LTN stuff and just let the traffic flow. Which it has never done in Corstorphine.

    Posted 1 year ago #

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