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News on LTNs? (Leith/Corstorphine/East Craigs Connections/Oxford)

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  1. Stickman

    Bit of an escape for Cllr Arthur: tonight’s meeting is via Zoom so he won’t be in the same room as the baying crowd.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  2. chdot

    “ just let the traffic flow. Which it has never done in Corstorphine.”

    Ho ho, precisely!

    Presume there are (many) academic studies about how getting behind a wheel distorts reality.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  3. chdot

    “tonight’s meeting is via Zoom“

    Can anyone join??

    Could SA get there in 15 minutes?

    Presume Jackie Weaver is moderating.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  4. Dave

    not much detail on Facebook yet, anyone able to comment on what happened?

    Posted 1 year ago #
  5. Stickman

    A month on and no signs of the predicted traffic chaos in Corstorphine.

    Walking around yesterday around 5pm only St John’s Road and Meadowplace Road were busy, and even then no different from normal. Today at school home time it was even quieter. I was actually surprised how few cars were around picking up kids.

    There have been two incidents that coincided with the launch of the street changes: a crash on Glasgow Road during evening rush hour, and a contraflow/temporary lights on SJR during a Monday morning rush hour. Both of these caused delays all over the A8 corridor. Neither of them were worsened by the LTN. I suspect most of the complaints stem from these incidents, or from the first few days of the new layouts.

    Talk of “5 minute journeys now taking 45 minutes” (which I saw claimed today!) is just nonsense.

    Let’s hope Scott Arthur and co stick to the data and facts, not angry tales on Facebook.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  6. Morningsider

    @Stickman - going with my two local Spaces for People schemes (Comiston Road cycle lanes and Greenbank-Meadows quiet route), I would say Scott Arthur listens almost exclusively to members of the ham based community and their literally incredible tales of woe.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  7. acsimpson

    I had the displeasure of going through Corstorphine shortly before 6 last night. There would have been no queues at all except that 5 separate drivers had decided that the no stopping restrictions in place at that time did not apply to them.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  8. Stickman

    @acsimpson - I saw someone suggest that the A8 is currently quieter because Haymarket Terrace is closed, and therefore we can’t read anything into the LTN at the moment.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  9. boothym

    Would be interesting if some of the additional proposed one ways/filters in the ETRO were implemented (Station Rd and further east).

    Posted 1 year ago #
  10. acsimpson

    @Stickman, I suppose that's possible, did they also claim that there are huge queues being formed on all parallel roads or are they happy to agree that Haymarket Terrace's closure has caused an amount of traffic evaporation?
    If the closure hasn't caused huge extra queues elsewhere and has made the A8 quieter then I propose a bus gate is put in where the current closure is.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  11. chdot

    I did no such thing, but I did commit to putting all "before and after" traffic data in the public domain.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  12. steveo

    That bus gate at the top of Manse Road must be making more money than Amazon. Seen at least four cars go through on each cycle yesterday when I was out for a stroll.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  13. Arellcat

    Is the bus gate at Prestonfield Avenue monitored for compliance/infractions? I know there's an induction loop in the tarmac but not sure what it's tuned to.

    [Edit: Looks like cameras were installed in about 2014.]

    I'm just wondering if residents (and rat runners alike) have got used to it, since it's been there for at least 15 years.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  14. acsimpson

    @steveo, was that during the hours of operation? It's been pretty quiet the few times I've passed lately.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  15. neddie

    ANPR cameras normally pay for themselves in the first two weeks. After that motorists start to comply...

    Posted 1 year ago #
  16. steveo

    , was that during the hours of operation?

    I didn't realise it had operational hours, but I was there about lunchtime. Surely it would be less confusing for the temperally impaired to have it full time.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  17. Yodhrin

    @steveo That's the one real problem with using the (in this case valid)Won't Somebody Think Of The Children?! argument to get infra pushed through - it gives an opening for the motobrains to push back because "Well if it's to protect the kids at school drop off and pick up why does it need to be running all the time? Surely we can find a fair compromise" etc.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  18. Stickman

    IIRC, didn’t opponents of the changes round James Gillespie’s propose a “compromise “ where the route was only closed at school start/end?

    It feels like, as usual, the council has made things more difficult for itself. Just put up some more signs!

    Posted 1 year ago #
  19. acsimpson

    The route is only closed at school start and end time, except on a Friday when it is closed several hours after school end. -\O/-

    Posted 1 year ago #
  20. steveo

    So they've half arsed it. plus ça change.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  21. Stickman

    The group opposing the Corstorphine LTN are holding a public meeting in St Margaret’s Park. Guest speaker is none other than Alex Cole-Hamilton, leader of the LibDems. The LibDems, whose Edinburgh party leader voted in favour of the LTN trial.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  22. Stickman

    Walked past the anti-LTN protest - couple of hundred there. About as diverse as a Spokes meeting. First speaker opened up with “I’ve lived in Corstorphine for 25 years and it has always been safe to walk and cycle in”. Also heard the words “we need a balanced approach” - we all know what that means.

    I didn’t hang around any longer.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  23. chdot

  24. chdot

  25. Stickman

    Usual mix of FUD mixed up with some genuine issues.

    But the LibDems are absolutely shameless.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  26. gembo

    A hundred votes could retain a seat in the ward, so that the lib Dems could……. Do what?

    The pursuit of power but to what end? They have no policies, and do not appear to be liberals?

    Posted 1 year ago #
  27. neddie

    Not a single young person in that crowd, and barely anyone under 60

    Good grief - what a way to proceed

    The safety of our streets is now to be determined by a bunch of retired people with no expertise in the matter?

    I'm starting to think Sally H is right. Maybe we should just move to somewhere nice like Delft, Freiburg or Barcelona...?

    Posted 1 year ago #
  28. chdot

    From EdRept article

    A West Broom resident said that he now has to drive up Drum Brae to Clermiston to come back down to Rowlands the chemist on Featherhall Avenue where it is blocked off. He said he had had to walk to the park on Tuesday night which took about an hour.

    Assuming Wester Broom, Google says about 1/4 hour.

    Obviously person may have significant mobility difficulties, or got lost, or…

    Likewise, why any need to go up Drum Brae?

    Posted 1 year ago #
  29. chdot

    @ Stickmam “with some genuine issues”

    Apart from (but not diminishing) people with disabilities and whether Blue Badges should have exemptions, what do you think the key issues are and what might be done - either as a ‘concession’ or a real improvement?

    Posted 1 year ago #
  30. Stickman

    The guy talking about the pharmacy does have mobility issues, but there is no explanation why he drives up to Clermiston and back when the direct route along Ladywell Road and up Featherhall Avenue is available.

    The scheme is going to fail. It is a half-hearted attempt at an LTN. There will be some reductions in traffic level, but not enough for individuals to notice. It will be removed in six months and things will return to the way they were. As usual: do it properly or don’t do it at all.

    Posted 1 year ago #

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