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Workplace Parking Levy - WPL

(50 posts)

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  1. acsimpson

    That's a pretty key piece of information. If employees are being made to pay then it's not the council doing it.

    Similarly if a part time employee has to pay for a full week then perhaps it's time they found another employer.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  2. Morningsider

    Worth noting that NHS premises, GP surgeries and hospices are all exempt from the WPL. All disabled persons' parking places are exempt.

    Nottingham exempts all workplace car parks with 10 or fewer spaces from paying the WPL. I imagine Edinburgh would do something similar. This would mean all small businesses are exempt from paying.

    Mobile staff, such as carers, would not have to pay - as they do not regularly park in a workplace car park.

    The Council is free to design a WPL licensing scheme to allow for different charges to apply on different days, different times of day, different parts of the licensing area, different classes of motor vehicle or different numbers of licensed spaces. Any concerns about "the workers" can easily be addressed through intelligent design of the scheme.

    However, be in no doubt that the largest group by far that would have to pay are office workers doing the 9-5. After all, I have yet to see an office car park crammed with the cars of low-paid cleaners working anti-social hours.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  3. chdot

    No politics here…

    1- Failure to consult on robust mitigation options to deal with (1) displacement parking, (2) support for low paid workers & (3) shift workers will lead to the public opposing the plans.

    2- The SNP/Green/Lib-Dem Coalition supporting the charge will then collapse.

    3- Opportunity, time and money will have been wasted.

    (I do lottery predictions too!)

    Posted 1 year ago #
  4. chdot

    “Opportunity, time and money will have been wasted.”

    Is he talking about Braid Road (and a few other things)??

    Posted 1 year ago #
  5. Arellcat

    The Council is free to design a WPL licensing scheme to allow for...

    Part 7 is the bit we might encourage certain of our elected leaders to read (or read again):

    Posted 1 year ago #
  6. Morningsider

    I would love, absolutely LOVE, to see the consultation that could convince the general public to support a new government levy.

    To be able to produce such honeyed words would be a true superpower. Your writing would make Shelley and Keats read like the Haynes manual for a '76 Ford Cortina. Copies of the Evening News would simply combust in the presence of such beauty. Neil Greig would be dumbstruck, eschewing the car and spending the rest of his life riding between real ale pubs on a 3-speed vintage Pashley.

    Let's hope the good Prof. is up to it.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  7. chdot

    “Let's hope the good Prof. is up to it.”

    I’m sure you mean that most sincerely, but as you imply, it’s beyond (almost any) mere politicians to persuade the MY RIGHT TO DRIVE WHERE I LIKE faction.

    ‘Media’ usually makes it worse.

    Unfortunately, in addition, SA not gonna help because A) ‘the unions’ B) ‘the ball has been taken away from me by more imaginative Cllrs’.

    Some things need to be beyond what (some) people say they want.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  8. chdot

    Not new, WPL at no. 5

    12 best ways to get cars out of cities – ranked by new research

    Posted 1 year ago #
  9. neddie

    Yep, it's clear that political capital should be spent on congestion charging and removing on-street parking.

    Why waste time and capital with the WPL?

    So I think Scott Arthur has probably got this right (in not supporting the WPL), as long as he pushes for a congestion charge instead... let's see

    Posted 1 year ago #
  10. gembo

    prof SA proposing Congestion charging. [licks finger. Holds in wind]. Nope.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  11. chdot

    Many school staff would refuse to pay a Work Place Levy simply because they couldn’t afford it. Instead, they will resort to parking on neighbouring residential streets around school building, which will create additional safety concerns for pupils and their families in these areas."

    Posted 1 year ago #
  12. Dave

    The council employs nearly 4,000 teachers and about the same number of non-teaching staff in the families directorate. There are about 100 schools, so does the average school provide 80 free on-site parking spaces? It seems dubious.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  13. Murun Buchstansangur

    @Dave no chance. Also I reckon the older city centre primaries (so in permit zones) will have no staff parking (eg Royal Mile Primary, Preston St Primary) so it is a bit of a selective 'perk'?

    Posted 1 year ago #
  14. neddie

    Some schools, ahem, have taken over part of the playground as free parking (pretty much for all and sundry, since the gate is almost never locked) - an area that was allocated as "DISABLED PARKING ONLY" and features a blind exit across a pavement.

    Strangely, the disabled-parking-only sign "disappeared" when the stone wall was renovated

    From March 2021, this sign does not exist anymore:

    Posted 1 year ago #
  15. Dave

    Many school staff would refuse to pay a Work Place Levy simply because they couldn’t afford it. Instead, they will resort to parking on neighbouring residential streets around school building, which will create additional safety concerns for pupils and their families in these areas."

    Is the transport convener saying that "park and stride", (where school traffic uses neighbouring residential streets) is worse for children's safety than when drivers come right to the school and playground? What a reversal of established policy!

    Posted 1 year ago #
  16. chdot

    Around 350,000 people work in Edinburgh though workplaces provide just over 30,000 parking places to be used for car commuting. We’re considering a workplace parking levy to help reduce congestion – let us know what you think in our survey

    Posted 1 year ago #
  17. chdot

    NHS premises, disabled spaces, hospices and GP surgeries aren't included in the scheme, but care homes, offices, hotels and schools are, meaning the WPL will hit a sizeable swathe of the city's workforce.

    Scottish Conservative transport spokesman Graham Simpson told the Scottish Daily Express: "Once again, SNP-run Glasgow City Council are choosing to hammer motorists and businesses in the city. Bashing workers is not the answer."

    Posted 10 months ago #
  18. Tulyar

    Interesting to look from another perspective?

    One company that has to lease parking for its site in Midlands is saving £2000 PER WEEK by managing demand for parking spaces.

    NHS in Glasgow took £7.5m from budgets to build a multi storey car park (typically costing £1000/space top maintain per year as well)

    Purchase of off road space in Edinburgh (£40,000?)

    Building bare patch of tarmac pavement (£6000)

    Building multi storey from £14,000 to £83,000/space?

    Remember that best exit rate via car park barrier (or lane on to M8) 10 cars/minute - so say 20 lanes to move 30,000 cars out of Edinburgh = 3000- cars out through them = well over 3 hours of queuing

    Posted 10 months ago #
  19. Arellcat

    YHPM, Tulyar

    Posted 10 months ago #
  20. chdot

    #Edinwebcast .. #WorkplaceParkingLevy


    further #WPL progress appears to be postponed indefinitely

    Con amendt to scrap WPL defeated
    SNP+Green to continue WPL, defeated
    Lab+LibDem, which is effectively to postpone indefinitely, succeeds

    Posted 7 months ago #

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