Seen on twitter (thread here - starts as a response to another tweet )
(My text below missing the diagrams)
“We last got 50% of our gas from the UK North Sea 13 years ago, back in 2009
We now only get 30% of our gas from the UK North Sea - & falling
We buy 70% of our gas from overseas
It's now very expensive
So making electricity from that gas is now very expensive
But - and this makes no sense - we automatically raise the price of nuclear & renewable power to match the sky-high price of electricity made from this much-more-expensive gas
We can stop doing that - very easily
We simply extend the existing “Contracts for Difference” system, and add a price cap to all low-carbon electricity
The pale purple slice has price caps
Add price caps to the red slice too
That will cut £1,200 from our bills, come April
If Scotland and the rest of GB did this, the price rise would be much smaller
If Scotland was Independent and did this on its own, the electricity prices would have fallen in Scotland by almost 10% over the past year
While prices rose by over 80% in the rest of the UK