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20 mph expansion - consultation (and aftermaths)

(66 posts)

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  1. chdot

    Another local resident, Martyn Coldray labelled the new 20mph default speed limit as a "fiasco". "I have cruise control with auto braking which brings on my rear brakes only and they are already 0.2mm more worn than the front," he added. "Did the Welsh Government even ask vehicle manufacturers about the damage that will be caused to our vehicles in such a hilly area of Wales? Did they even think about the extra cost in fuel?"

    A local bus driver, who asked to be anonymous, feared the impact the new speed limit will have on public transport. "We have lost endless hours in either buses having to be dropped from service or running severely late, costing the company a huge wage bill after having to pay bus drivers overtime for finishing late. This is only the first week of this blanket 20mph so I imagine things will only get worse," they said.

    In short

    Some people don’t like change…

    Bit like frogs and slowly warming water.

    Some version of human nature/condition no doubt.

    Some people want Victorian moralities (pick’n’mix version).

    Or the idyllic bits of ‘the 50s’.

    (Others wish for the 60s).

    Of course the 80s/90s was a good time for bicycle development…

    It’s difficult wanting ‘better’ and trying to understand what is better and also why some people just want more of the same AND why some people think everything is a conspiracy against THEM.

    Strange times

    Difficult times

    Dangerous times


    Posted 1 year ago #
  2. chdot

    A year later and we are still here, driving slower, with a safer town.
    The take home? Speed limit changes create a stink for about six weeks, because change is a difficult process. After that, most of us are adjusted and it works well. It's worth the change for the safety.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  3. chdot

    Posted 1 year ago #
  4. chdot

    New restrictions dropping speed limits to 20mph in numerous areas across the Highlands come into force today.

    A number of trunk roads from across the north have been added to the pilot project, which now features 125 towns and villages.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  5. chdot

    Story above has this link, but survey is 4 years old.

    Any more recent ones?

    Support for lowering the speed limit in Scottish towns and cities to 20mph has risen to 72 per cent, according to a new Survation poll conducted for the Scottish Greens.

    Support for the measure, which has been operating in Edinburgh for a year, has grown from 65 per cent in 2017.,three-quarters-of-scots-support-20mph-speed-limit-in-towns_10027.htm

    Posted 1 year ago #
  6. chdot

    Sunak expected to limit powers of councils in England to curb car use

    Exclusive: Potential plan to restrict measures such as 20mph speed limits and levying fines from traffic cameras alarms travel groups

    Posted 1 year ago #
  7. acsimpson

    The man is more petulant that a 16 year old cutting down heritage trees. I can only hope that one day under a more enlighten government he is tried for his crimes.

    As far as I can see there are a lot of parallels between what he is currently doing and what Dundas did to prolong the slave trade. I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up with the blood of more people on his hands than Dundas did.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  8. gembo

    Imagine voting Tory now?

    Climate change, feck that we need re-elected so we can burn the world to a cinder.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  9. neddie

  10. Stickman

    ITV Cymru political editor:

    Rishi Sunak tells me that Wales’ 20mph policy does not reflect “the right values of the British people.”

    Posted 1 year ago #
  11. ejstubbs

    Best reply to that tweet IMO:

    He knows it doesn't affect helicopters and small jets, right?

    Posted 1 year ago #
  12. chdot

    The prime minister, Rishi Sunak, has declared war on the “war on motorists”. He has said that he wants to end “harebrained” schemes for slower speed limits and safer, quieter roads. But history suggests, as I discovered while researching a forthcoming paper for the Foundation for Integrated Transport, in the long term he’s unlikely to succeed in his battle against 20mph zones.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  13. ejstubbs

    There's a Senedd petition running against the Welsh 20mph limit. There'a also one in support of it. The latter currently has many fewer signatures. The link is here for those who wish to sign it (you don't have to be resident in Wales).

    Posted 1 year ago #
  14. stiltskin

    Can’t help feeling the counter petition is a bit y’know counter productive since at the moment is has 100 times fewer signatures.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  15. pringlis

    Cllr Neil Ross chased up the 20mph expansion for me. Answer below. Incredibly frustrating that they can't deliver simple changes like this... paint and a few repeater signs.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  16. Stickman

  17. acsimpson

    The most interesting thing I can take from that article is that the open consultation suggests twice as much opposition as the demographically selected consultation. I'm certainly not surprised by that.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  18. chdot

  19. pringlis

    Pleased to see the 20mph signs going up on Cluny Gardens. Presumably the other streets in TRO/20/07 are having them installed now too. Predictably noone's paying them any attention yet but hopefully that beds in at some point...

    Posted 11 months ago #
  20. Frenchy

    Just in case anyone was wondering, the "20" in "TRO/20/07" does indeed mean "2020". It was approved, I think, in January 2021.

    Over 1000 days to implement it.

    Posted 11 months ago #
  21. Frenchy

    Also noticed today that the 40mph repeater signs on Lasswade Road (like this one) have been removed, although the main signs at the starts and ends of the zone (like this one) are still there.

    Posted 11 months ago #
  22. chdot

    A wee reminder that
    will be hosting the UK
    conference next month.

    Keynote Speakers include:

    - Minister for Transport in Scotland

    - Welsh Government Deputy Climate Change Minister

    JennyCarson, Programme Manager, Road Safety Performance Index

    Other Speakers:

    Dr Sarah Jones (Consultant in Environmental Public Health, Public Health Wales)

    Dr Margaret Douglas (Consultant in Public Health, Public Health Scotland)

    Cllr Scott Arthur (Principal Policy Lead - Roads, City of Edinburgh Council)

    Jeremy Leach (20's Plenty for London)

    George Henry (National Operations Manager for Road Safety Policy and Education, Transport Scotland)

    Kaarina Ruta (Transport Assistant, Welsh Local Government Association)

    Jenny Carson (Programme Manager, Road Safety Performance Index, European Transport Safety Council)

    Philippa Gilhooly (Traffic & Road Safety Management team leader, Scottish Borders Council)

    Lisa Mackellaich (Road Safety Manager, The Highland Council)

    Full details:

    Screenshot of the conference flyer - logo and image of Edinburgh City Chambers

    Last edited
    1:23 PM · Nov 26, 2023

    Posted 11 months ago #
  23. chdot

    Philip Noble, @Edinburgh_CC described how Edinburgh has been looking at city-wide 20mph limits since 2012. Already average speeds have reduced, air quality improved, 30% reduction casualties (2022) in the city. Further roll out planned incl rural roads.


    Posted 10 months ago #
  24. chdot

  25. chdot

    Speed limit cut to 4,000 Glasgow streets

    Posted 5 months ago #
  26. chdot

    Vehicle damage claims in Wales fall 20% since speed limit cut to 20mph, says insurer

    Posted 4 months ago #
  27. neddie

    Could we get some enforcement in Edinburgh?

    Right now it feels completely lawless and with everyone just horsing around at 30mph or more.

    Posted 4 months ago #
  28. chdot

    There have been fewer people killed and injured on Wales's roads since the introduction of widespread 20mph speed limits, provisional collision data suggests — the Welsh government keen to point out that while the news is "encouraging" and a sign things are "moving in the right direction", the "volatile" nature of comparing collision statistics in the short-term means more data should be collected before any sweeping conclusions are made

    Posted 2 months ago #
  29. chdot

    Welsh 20mph speed limit forces junior cycle race to shorten and reroute

    Three of five stages of Junior Tour of Wales changed as support vehicles would not have kept up with cyclists

    Posted 2 months ago #
  30. Dave

    Can someone point me at what the council actually decided to do following the consultations on expanding 20mph / rural west Edinburgh roads? I thought this would be easy to find, but I'm struggling

    Posted 1 month ago #

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