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20 mph expansion - consultation (and aftermaths)

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  1. Dave

    (I browsed around a few TEC meeting packs and the best I could find was a vague commitment to bring proposals to TEC late 2024)

    Posted 2 weeks ago #
  2. Frenchy

    Can you remember any of the specific streets involved?

    Posted 2 weeks ago #
  3. Dave

    It just came up because someone rolled their car over on Lanark Road in Juniper Green and the community council mentioned a resident asked them about 20mph, as though there hadn't been a huge consultation on it recently. It was earmarked to be 20 on the diagram at the time.

    Posted 2 weeks ago #
  4. Frenchy

    The consultation page itself says:

    "Responses from the consultation will be used to inform detailed proposals which will be reported back to Committee towards the end of 2024."

    The latest TEC "work plan" shows "20mph Speed Limit Implementation Plan" planned for the December 2024 meeting:

    It was last discussed at TEC in April, as far as I can tell. Paragraphs 4.20-23 here:

    The webcast is here. I haven't watched it, so have no idea if 20mph was even mentioned, but the road safety section starts at 1:51:30.

    Posted 2 weeks ago #
  5. ejstubbs

    I'm pretty sure that Craiglockart Avenue was one of the streets proposed to have a 20mph limit. Also part of Oxgangs Road North IIRC.

    Come to think, weren't Cluny Gardens and Oxgangs Avenue included in the consultation? Both of those have been 20mph limits for some time now. Or were they part of a different plan and consultation?

    Posted 2 weeks ago #
  6. Frenchy

    The map of the most recent proposals is here:

    Cluny Gardens and Oxgangs Avenue were both done in earlier reviews.

    Posted 2 weeks ago #

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