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New (UK) Minister of Transport

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  1. chdot

    Is Labour’s shadow transport secretary cycling’s latest convert? Louise Haigh says e-bikes “make all the difference”, months after backlash over controversial cycling comments

    The Labour MP claimed in November that she never cycles due to Sheffield’s hills, but joined Ed Clancy this month for an e-cycle around the city, where she praised e-bike schemes for making cycling “more accessible”

    Posted 1 month ago #
  2. chdot

    A spot of Sunday reading in between my Ministerial briefs.

    Really eye-opening and instructive

    Minister on Laura Laker’s new book!

    LL was at February Spokes meeting -

    Posted 1 month ago #
  3. Frenchy

    Has apparently been reading Laura Laker's new book (Potholes & Pavements, about the National Cycle Network) as well:

    Posted 1 month ago #
  4. chdot

    Transport Secretary sets out 5 key priorities to deliver the biggest overhaul to transport in a generation

    It will take all our effort but the new motto of our department – our purpose – is simple: move fast and fix things.

    Posted 1 month ago #
  5. chdot

    As Transport Secretary, I’m absolutely committed to working with devolved leaders to improve transport in every corner of the country.

    Great to meet with @FionaHyslop today!

    Posted 1 month ago #
  6. chdot

    First week as Transport Secretary

    I’ve started work to deliver the biggest overhaul to transport in a generation:

    Welcoming a new Ministerial team

    Calling in the worst performing Train Operating Companies

    Resetting industrial relations

    Launching a bus revolution

    Posted 1 month ago #
  7. chdot

    Well, that was a fun morning!

    Out exploring some of the variable National Cycle Network along the Trans-Pennine Trail, or N62, with @Chris_Boardman and @laura_laker

    Posted 3 weeks ago #
  8. chdot

    After Labour’s election victory, the transport secretary, Louise Haigh, met with rail unions and promised “an era of grown-up industrial relations”. When negotiations with Aslef restarted last month, meetings took place directly between the union and the DfT, with the RDG no longer involved in the process.

    Posted 3 weeks ago #
  9. chdot

    The Labour government will invest “unprecedented levels of funding” in cycling and walking as a critical part of plans to improve health and inequality, the new secretary for transport has said.

    A national network of safe cycle routes could cut GP appointments “by hundreds of thousands, if not millions a year” by helping people incorporate more physical activity into their lives, according to Louise Haigh, who also sits on the government’s health mission delivery board.

    She added that access to safe cycle routes was “essential” to tackling the country’s carbon footprint.

    Posted 2 weeks ago #

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