Friday night's rubbish driving. Actually, rubbish is way too polite.
I was entering The Park from the Holyrood Road dog leg. Riding in primary to turn left at the mini roundabout and head towards Meadowbank. A wee red car (possibly a corsa) comes up on my right. I assumed he was going to take a right towards The Commie, but no, he wants to overtake me and make a left!
I didn't yield so thankfully he slammed on his brakes so as not to total the traffic island, rather than side swipe me.
His revenge was to undertake and drive alongside me towards The Palace roundabout, wind down his window, shout profanities and spit on me. He then cut in front of me just before the roundabout, nearly (I hope not deliberately) knocking my front wheel.
Reg was or similar to LK60 ZKV
Seriously rubbish driver, seriously odious human being.