Mrs Greenroofer recounted her experiences of collecting children from Deanbank infants' school (Canaan Lane) at lunchtime in foul weather. A considerable number of parents thought it best to drive to the school (where there is no parking and no waiting and a one-way single track road) rather than risk their own children dissolving. As is the way with the kind of people who do this, they had no concern for the chaos they caused on Canaan Lane or the impact on the vast majority of parents who were collecting their children on foot or by bike. A particularly thoughtful mother in a 4x4 drove through the floods in Canaan Lane at considerable speed, drenching everyone on the pavement, only (of course) to be stuck for some time by the Canny Man waiting to turn onto Morningside Road.
I do get irrationally grumpy about how selfish some people are. The thing is, you can be selfish on a bike or on foot but it's unlikely to affect more than one or two other people. If you're selfish in a car, it can cause chaos for scores of people.