1/4 hour ago still shaking mildly.
Sciennes Rd (3:10) passing the school (Fri PM so after hours).
Double build-out so passed first one and head for the second, aware that there was a car close behind.
Usually vehicles have more sense/courtesy than to try to pass. I was probably doing 15 in the 20 mph zone.
I also noticed a car door wide open on the other side of the road so I was pretty sure it wouldn't try to overtake.
Caught up with car opposite Summerhall (wasn't trying to).
Shook my head.
Window winds down, I said 'I suppose you'll tell me you didn't see the car door'.
'I didn't hit it did I?'
I noticed his Edinburgh Leisure shorts.
He volunteered that his name was Andy.
I suppose in a 'what are you going to do about it way'.
So inconsiderate driving, probably technically Careless.