CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » Debate!

  1. gembo

    Apparently the talented golfer was unaware she hit the cyclist but then immediately distraught on seeing the injuries.

    Also raised thousands allegedly on sponsored bike rides?

    But has pictures of her with Simon cowbell and Phil green on her Facebook

    And a very good lawyer.

    What was her bridge like? Did she appear anxious or nervy or was it big bluff all the way?

    Posted 7 years ago #
  2. mercury1and2

    Thursday 26 jan- cycling along London rd -bus lane coming up to the lower London rd end- im heading Easter rd way. A black golf type car comes right out of junction of lower London rd and is blocking my way though. I am cycling quite fast and start saying 'get out of the way come on move',the female driver does move over to wishaw terrace but the male passenger may have heard me say 'stupid bitch'-I know heat of the moment. The car follows me to the lights and male gets out saying what is my problem and come on there is no cameras.He really wants a fight but I just sit wanting for the lights to change saying she blocked my right of way. This happens maybe a lot but what would others do? Especially if the guy lashes out and hits cyclist? The car past me to stop at abbeyhill electrical shop then did a u turn. I think everybody's getting more angry these days but thankful Mr angry was not the driver.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  3. Cyclingmollie

    What would I do? If I'd had to emergency brake/nearly over the bars, I'd probably have shouted/sworn. If I was having to slow down and stop because she was blocking the lane I'd just shake my head probably but I wouldn't say anything. People are selfish and stupid. Shouting at them won't change the world. And there's always the chance that they will impose "the discipline of the baseball bat" as Irvine Welsh once put it.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  4. Greenroofer

    +1 to what @Cyclingmollie says

    The only reason for shouting that I can see is where it's a warning to indicate your presence and is uttered in enough time to allow the other party to take avoiding action. It's not a rebuke. In other words it's just like the advice for using a horn in the Highway Code.

    Anything else just increases the risk that you'll antagonise some lunatic who'll go all road-rage on you.

    It doesn't mean I don't mutter under my breath sometimes, though...

    Posted 7 years ago #
  5. gembo

    If swearing maybe go for more general FFS rather than direct personal insult, might not be as incendiary?

    However, I was doing a shake of a head once at the old ABC junction on Lothian road, heading towards west port, as lorry driver had decided he was in wrong lane and would just wait in middle of road, causing fair bit of tailback, rather than take the filter for straight ahead. I jooked round and proceeded on my way but at west port a Bentley with a guy looking quite rough being chauffeured rolled his window down and gave me comment, I should not shake my head if I was going to jook. Now this annoyed me then and I ended up chasing the Bentley which in hindsight was probably taking a criminal king pin to court. Nowadays with my mindfulness training I would say - fair comment, thank you for taking the time to express your views to me. Etc.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  6. Frenchy

    This afternoon, at least three drivers overtook me at high speed on the Penicuik-Edinburgh road despite oncoming traffic. Two of the oncoming drivers felt the need to use their horn. A larger number of drivers overtook when there was a solid white line, but no oncoming traffic. Police sympathetic, but "unable to progress". I'll be avoiding the A702 in future.

    They did say they'd press charges against a driver for an unrelated incident, but I'll refrain from posting details of that whilst it's ongoing.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  7. dougal

    "I was doing a shake of a head once"

    I sometimes wish my shake-the-head-routine was more obvious. If I had a big stripe on my hat maybe it would be clear that I disapproved thoroughly?

    Maybe a finger wag is more obvious. That being said I have been chased into work car park for a hand-raised-palm-up-in-exasperation by someone who had more anger than common sense.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  8. kaputnik

    Yesterday's rubbish driving. Crossing road on green man outside Comely Bank Waitrose on a mission to buy the good buffalo Mozzarella, half way across the road, man still green, light still red and the Suzuki 4WD thing which had until this point been waiting (apparently) patiently suddenly just starts off through the crossing once we're 50% of the way across the road.

    I managed to yell at him loud enough that he slowed, appeared to be stopping and then just carried off on his way.

    Oh and yes I was pushing a toddler in the buggy otherwise I would have chased on foot.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  9. Murun Buchstansangur

  10. Frenchy

    I think I must be using my eyes and ears wrong.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  11. fimm

    Yesterday evening: driver went through red light at pedestrian crossing and nearly took out pedestrian. No excuse for the driver, simply not paying attention.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  12. davidsonsdave

    Hi-vis workman driver of Toyota Auris FL58 XCV who pulled out at the roundabout next to Silverknowes Golf Course before I had actually passed him, getting within 30cm of the girls in the trailer. He then sounded his horn at us. Bit late in my opinion as I had by then already realised that he was a danger.

    Seems normal rules of roundabout use do not apply to bicycles.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  13. CJC

    No reply from Edinburgh Council yet to my email about an angry private hire driver from over 2 weeks ago.

    Sent them a reminder and cc'd in Anne Chandler. Got a bounce email for that address. Does anyone know who deals with PHC complaints now?

    Posted 7 years ago #
  14. Frenchy

    Sent them a reminder and cc'd in Anne Chandler. Got a bounce email for that address. Does anyone know who deals with PHC complaints now?

    The complaint I sent around the 20th December was replied to on 14th January by Marcos Martinez.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  15. lanterne bru

    Prize goes to the driver of the black BMW who passed me by undertaking whilst I was crossing Gillespie Crossroads tonight. I could only muster a headshake after the exertion of climbing up from Colinton.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  16. Frenchy

    Whilst I was waiting at a red light at the Dalkeith Rd/East Preston St junction, I saw a campervan with a foreign license plate waiting to turn right from East Preston St onto Dalkeith Rd. They were in the right hand lane, but were indicating left. As their light turned green and they started moving forward, the driver behind them beeped the horn. Since they're either indicating the wrong way or are about to do something silly like turn left from the right turn only lane, I thought a quick horn beep was fair enough.

    However, the driver who beeped the horn then turned right into the left hand lane (to turn down Holyrood Park Road), cutting off the driver who was (correctly) turning right from the left hand lane, forcing them to slam on the brakes.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  17. urchaidh

    Big, old, gold coloured Merc being driven down a restricted 'school street' outside a primary this morning by a man engrossed on some app on his phone. I watched as he drove past, he did not look up from the screen once in the >5s I could see him.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  18. CJC

    The white van driver who overtook me dangerously this morning, then followed me to my office before threatening me. Will be reporting to 101 tonight.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  19. Rosie

    Glasgow Citylink bus - passed me and almost combed my hair at Morrison Street junction last night at peak hour.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  20. jdanielp

    This should probably be in the bad taxi driving thread, but I didn't manage to catch any details other than it was a black cab. As I was pulling away from the ASZ to turn right in front of the King's Theatre earlier this evening, I spotted a taxi approaching at speed from Home Street, presumably having just sped up for the changing light and nipping through on red. I quickly started braking and came to a stop towards the middle of the junction area. The taxi driver also slowed down before passing me to my left, i.e. cutting across two lanes on the wrong side of the road. Luckily there was no traffic there! I raised my left hand in disbelief and shouted "what the hell are you doing". The driver was clearly verbally abusing me from inside the cab as he drove past me, but fortunately the window was shut. I didn't see if he had a fare in the back. I set off again and the driver of the car at the head of the queue coming from Tarvit Street who had brought his or her car to a halt upon seeing this kindly let me complete my turn.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  21. jdanielp

    Rounding the corner on Lower Gilmore Place this morning, I saw that a vehicle was being manoeuvred slowly into the garage at the far end and that another vehicle and some bikes were waiting behind it. I slowed down as I approached but the obstruction was removed. Anticipating that the driver of the vehicle at the head of the queue, which was well onto my side of the road presumably due to the parked cars to his left, would either move to his left (there was space) as he pulled away or perhaps even wait for me to pass before setting off, I carried on approaching while giving myself more than a door's width gap to the parked cars to my left. The driver pulled away, but he did not deviate from his course which meant that we were going to collide. Not wanting to back down, as presumably he was expecting me to do as he drove his large car at me, I managed to force him to come to a halt, at which point I attempted to continue along the small gap on my side of the road. He took the opportunity to open the driver door, forcing me to come to a stop, and said something along the lines of "you know that you can stop as well" to which I replied "yes, I just did". He closed his door and we both proceeded on our way. I would be interested to know what any of the cyclists waiting behind the car felt about that situation. Perhaps it was partly down to my 'rubbish' cycling by not pulling to the side of the road to let the vehicle pass me 'safely', but I was unimpressed.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  22. davidsonsdave

    @jdanielp I am a daily user of Lower Gilmore Place. There is a broken white centre line there and when I learned to drive I was taught that priority should be with the vehicle which is able to stay within their marked lane without crossing the centre line.

    I find that most motorists on Lower Gilmore Place follow the might is right rule instead but I enjoy the thrill of a game of chicken there (as long as I have an exit strategy).

    Posted 7 years ago #
  23. jdanielp

    @davidsonsdave indeed. Had any speed been involved I would most likely have chickened out, but since I was moving and the car was not (initially), I thought I would experiment. The really rubbish thing going on is that parking is allowed on both sides of the road, thus forcing drivers to use the wrong side of the road to some extent by default.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  24. Big_Smoke

    While I was en route to fountainpark to use the facilities (on this occasion I took the electric car) I was having to head up the royal mile from the parliament building. There was a performance BMW that was behind me and while I was troubled at first when the operator/driver came in behind quick stuck at 20 as you should.

    I notice a lady on a bike up ahead no lights but not a problem. Of course with parked cars on both sides along the way make it too risky for a safe overtake. So I take my time and stay behind, after all the light at the first crossroads is red anyway with a car stopped and it changes to green letting us all through.

    That BMW driver who was behind hit the horn at us when we were heading through and that was after tailgating and attempting to pass when it was clear. Then proceeded left, even though had he overtaken he'd be stuck at the light for a second. I had to travel behind the lady on the bike who had to mount the pavement to pass a parked taxi instead of on the right. She gave me a look as if she was disappointed in me when I did pass her, I assumed she thought it was me and I don't blame her.

    On a bike or in a car, punished for being kind...

    Later on had to use the horn on a worm that didn't look near the old Simpson hospital who swifty went back in his lane.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  25. biketrain

    Is it bad driving to drive along in a white van that profanities written in the dirt on the rear doors?
    My children learn some new words on the way home.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  26. Murun Buchstansangur

    To all intents and purposes, was left hooked at W Approach Rd onramp by a black BMW - I was heading straight on along Dundee St. I normally signal and take primary to prevent it happening but I knew by the engine note that wasn't going to fly today and so backed off, just as well I did. A pox on him/her.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  27. chdot

    "I knew by the engine note"

    Amazing all the skills people on bikes have to develop.

    (New thread?)

    Posted 7 years ago #
  28. Murun Buchstansangur

    Indeed chdot. I am also getting pretty good at bunnyhopping due to the nasty unfinished trenches outside new Bororughmuir.

    Posted 7 years ago #
  29. wishicouldgofaster

    An annoying taxi driver behind me yesterday. I was overtaking another cyclist who I gave lots of room too as he was weaving about a lot. In addition there was a parked car just ahead so I was staying out to pass it (still on my side of the road though). Taxi driver behind starts tooting as he wants past despite a car coming down the hill meaning he couldn't.

    Cost in him in time 2-3 secs

    Posted 7 years ago #
  30. Vez

    Another mention for SEAG minibus on this thread. Pointless close pass in Porty this morning. I sent them an email saying it would be nice if the blurb on their website ("highest standard of safe, accessible transport etc etc") applied to the safety of people outside the bus too...

    Posted 7 years ago #

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