Driver of the car who forced themselves past on Mountcastle Drive North where there's no space (They tried once, couldn't get past, managed a second time, with about 50cm clearance), only to brake sharply in front of me because they can't get through the "priority over oncoming vehicles" bit due to another car coming the other way.
I say, loudly, "Get out the <rule 2> road..." which they respond to by slowing down further, winding the passenger window down, and shouting "GET TO THE LEFT THEN" at me.
I pass them on the inside, since they're now doing about 10 mph downhill, and repeat my previous comment, with the added suggestion that he has a phallus attached to his cranium.
He then tries to overtake a second time, having to abort that plan due to oncoming traffic, and then gets stuck at the next "give way to oncoming vehicles" bit, where I make full use of the cycle filter lane, and then ends up turning into a cul-de-sac, presumably because that's where he lives.
Good job to that driver, that's some fantastic driving. I hope you got home and regaled your family or minder with your tale of how you were held up by a cyclist, but despite all odds, managed to force your way heroically past to arrive home at precisely the same time as if you'd not driven like someone who had recently had a full-frontal lobotomy.