CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » Debate!

  1. chdot

  2. fimm

    I was driving at the speed limit in a 20 zone, and was hooted at by the driver of a van who then used the bus lane to pass on the left, followed by a motorcycle rider with L plates.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  3. Wout Van Aerthur Seat

    Had a good one last weekend. Was approaching Musselburgh from the East and a BMW driver (annoyed because he couldn't overtake) gesticulated and screamed at me through his window as he overtook. I figured he was annoyed because I wasn't squeezed into the side of the road and thus he couldn't get past me at the traffic island. Admittedly I'd been aware that he was right up my arse for 10 seconds or so before that and held my line for safety reasons. I gave him the wanker sign and forgot about it.

    500m down the road and beyond the roundabout and the gentleman had pulled in across from Musselburgh Race Course to have a conversation. His first action was to call me a f*ggot (yes really!) and get out the car. He then ranted for a bit about cyclists thinking they owned the road and how he was a professional driver. Note - at this stage I think it is important to detail that the driver was still wearing his East Coast Buses uniform!

    In these situations I can never think of the right thing to say so I argued back at him for a bit and then managed to make a sarcastic joke about maybe he should give up the driving and instead spend more time working in the gym on his big arms (generally I think big arms a good indicator of somebody's character. If they are the sort of person who spends hours in the gym trying to get big arms then they are probably a dickhead). The gentleman misinterpreted my joke and instead understood me to be saying that his arms weren't big. His response "Go on then, take your top off and lets see how big your arms are?!!", at this point he moved towards me at pace indicating he wanted to fight. I jumped on the bike and cycled off.

    I've reported it on twitter and to Lothian/East Coast Buses complaints. Still to get a response - it's been about a week. Makes you think though eh? If this guy is capable of using homophobic slurs and challenging random cyclists to a fight in the street in the middle of the day whilst wearing his work uniform then what is he capable of on his day off?

    Posted 2 years ago #
  4. chdot

  5. chdot

  6. Yodhrin

    Coming over the cycle crossing in front of John Lewis and turning down towards Broughton St, a private hire cab coming out of Little King St apparently experiences Selective Bicycle Blindness and has to pull up sharply to avoid going into me from the side. I shake my head and carry on. Approaching the roundabout at the bottom of Broughton St with a BMW in front of me, I check my mirror as we begin to slow and find mr private hire coming up on me apparently intending to hump my wheel and I had to ease up on the breaks to avoid getting rear ended, and so nearly rear ended the beamer in front. Literally had to put my feet down for extra friction to stop in time.

    So what's the bet: A; on his phone or otherwise not bothered to pay attention, B; blissfully unaware that bicycles have a stopping distance as well, or C; typical Motor Maniac deciding to "teach me a lesson" for having the temerity to expect him to obey a give-way line?

    EDIT: Oh, and now I calm down a bit I recall that I was also gobbed on earlier in the ride turning onto Melville St, but I'm *pretty* sure that was just someone spitting out the window of their van ahead of me combined with an unfortunate gust of wind...

    Posted 2 years ago #
  7. chdot

    Tomorrow will be a better day.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  8. chdot

    Posted 2 years ago #
  9. chdot

  10. chdot

    Overall, the media treatment of cyclists has deteriorated recently. The Mail has routinely run scare stories about bikes for years – but the previously bike-positive Times declared in January that it now supported registration plates.

    This media coverage matters. Some studies have linked anti-cycling media coverage to drivers being more aggressive towards cyclists on the roads. So while it’s tempting to write off Shapps’ comments – given how unlikely his ideas are to be implemented – the consequences for cyclists on roads could be much more serious.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  11. ejstubbs

    Traffic Scotland reporting on Twitter that the A82 is closed in both directions between Tyndrum and Bridge of Orchy due to 'a collision', and the alternative route on the A828 via Connell is also closed in both directions at Appin House due to another 'collision'.

    The A9 was partially blocked earlier due to 'a collision' at the Highland Wildlife Park.

    All in all, sounds like a great day to head to the Highlands in your car...not.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  12. chdot

  13. ejstubbs

    And there was another double fatality on the A82 on Thursday:

    (But obviously the most important thing is to get bicycles fitted with number plates...)

    Posted 2 years ago #
  14. Frenchy

    Just been informed that the driver who almost hit me last year plead guilty and received some number of points on their license. Overtook with oncoming traffic and double solid white lines at the blind bends just south of Penicuik.

    Video here - no swearing, but might want to turn the volume down if using headphones.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  15. chdot


    How did you get video to police?

    Posted 2 years ago #
  16. nobrakes


    Good to see that footage can make a difference. And that you were ok!

    Posted 2 years ago #
  17. Frenchy

    How did you get video to police?

    If I remember correctly, I initially sent them the link above (Google Drive seems to be accessible to them, whilst Youtube isn't), and then later dropped a CD off at the police station.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  18. chdot



    Posted 2 years ago #
  19. ejstubbs

  20. chdot

    The Skoda was seen to be overturned onto its roof following the incident.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  21. chdot

  22. Frenchy

    Last night as I was on Gilmerton Road, the driver of a fancy sports car almost crashed into the car in front as its driver waited to turn right into Carter Drive. Full-on last-gasp emergency braking. I was utterly shocked to see the driver's phone lit up on their lap as I passed.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  23. mcairney

    Ran off the road by an HGV driver while going up Candlemaker's Row at lunchtime. I presume he assumed that because it's one-way for motor vehicles it's one-way for everyone (note it's 2-way for bikes and buses). Might is right and all that. Unfortunately I didn't get his registration number and he's no doubt moaning about cyclists not knowing/following the rules of the road and going the wrong way up one-way streets.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  24. mcairney

    And again today there seems to be an awful lot of very angry/aggressive drivers. Must be a Friday thing.
    1st one was riding up Comiston Rd on my commute home and had a driver in a Focus blasting their horn at me and driving towards me while I was in the segregated lane (just about colliding with the bollards) just past the Shell garage. The only trigger was me filtering to the ASL through stationary traffic.

    Then a bit later on during a quick trip to Tesco I had a BMW shouting abuse at me because he didn't seem to understand what a filter lane is for. I may have responded by casting negative assertions about the age and spec level of said BMW.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  25. gembo

    I was passed today by a van and there was no marijuana smell. i was shocked.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  26. mcairney

    @gembo not to advocate driving under the influence but I reckon a few Edinburgh rush hour drivers could benefit from chilling out with a joint :)

    Posted 2 years ago #
  27. chdot

    The Earl Marshal, 65, was stopped by police after his BMW cut across the officers' car, going through a red light, the court was told.

    The officers drove up to his car and saw he was using his mobile phone. He told the officers he was "in communication with his wife", prosecutor Jonathan Bryan said.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  28. the canuck

    He's got 150 employees. One of them surely has a license?

    Posted 2 years ago #
  29. chdot

  30. CycleAlex

    A man in an Amazon van came tearing across the new junction at Wester Coates Terrace, blocking the eastbound lane and edging into the westbound lane assuming someone would let him out. When they didn’t, be started screaming in his van to be let out so loud I could hear him across the road.

    When he finally got out, he continued screaming and floored it all of twenty metres before joining the queueing traffic. Remember to “Share the Road” with these psychopaths everyone!

    Posted 2 years ago #

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