Wasn't working yesterday and sun was shining so took up an invite from a friend to join him on the scenic version of his commute into Manchester. He manages a bingo hall so doesn't start until 11.30am.
All very pleasant in the Lancs/Cheshire lanes. We were even being good citizens as we came into the city, letting a girl know her rear tyre was flat, and terrifying the wits out of another female by creeping alongside her Audi at the lights and yelling "get off your phone" in the window. Needless to say she dropped it like a hot potato.
Then about 100 yds before reaching my friend's workplace, woman in a silver Megane convertible pulled an outrageous left hook, which was so fast neither of us saw it coming. Fortunately we both - just - managed to avoid colliding with her vehicle or each other, though not without locking up. Loud and sweary abuse was launched in her direction. Neither of us even thought to give chase until it was too late, we were that shocked.
Left my pal at his work and headed back north out of the city on my own. Coming up to a major road junction, traffic lights, 2 lanes, one for "straight on or left turn", the other for turning right. Lights are changing to red. I'm going straight on so I'm in primary in the left-hand lane. Female (again but I'm sure there's no correlation) in a fairly old red polo steams past in the right hand lane and cuts in across me.
I could have stopped without allowing my front wheel to hit her back bumper, but then I would have had to attract her attention in a different way.
Sad to say my temper got the better of me when she got out the car to remonstrate, and I failed to maintain the calm, non-sweary demeanour that I should have when debating her opinion that cyclists should always be at the left hand edge of the road. Dave's recent video with the numpty in the black landrover is a lesson to us all in this regard.
I did redeem myself though given that when she got back in and deliberately started rolling back into me, I simply rode up alongside and asked whether she actually wanted to lose a wing mirror, rather than just kicking it off, which is what I felt like doing.