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Today's rubbish driving...

(11268 posts)
  • Started 12 years ago by Stepdoh
  • Latest reply from neddie
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  1. neddie

    On the train, just south of Peterborough.

    Held up by a car driver that's crashed into a level crossing

    <rolls eyes>

    Posted 4 months ago #
  2. Frenchy

    Cycled from Gilmerton to the old town and back today, and lost my "days without loudly breaking rule 2 in the middle of the street" streak.

    First to the driver who turned left into the Morrison's on Gilmerton Road without even indicating. Luckily my cyclist sixth sense was turned on and I saw it coming early enough to stop.

    Then a bus driver overtook with inches of space, coming south past Surgeon's Hall. Not at all helped by the advisory cycle lane, which they no doubt thought meant they were driving safely and legally.

    Posted 3 months ago #
  3. neddie

    The driver who came careering round a blind corner, while performing a right turn through a red light on a pedestrian crossing, directly into oncoming cyclists on a LIVE CYCLEWAY WHICH HAS NO ROAD. All so he could park antisocially right outside the Meadows playpark / tennis pavilion and be 2 steps closer to his destination.

    Really had to bite my tongue on that one, as had the family in tow.

    Is there nothing that motorists won’t ruin?

    Posted 3 months ago #
  4. chdot

  5. neddie

    "car ploughs into a nursery classroom" - Did it now? All by itself?

    Posted 3 months ago #
  6. MediumDave

    This hasn't featured yet: Biggar Road bus stop near Craigdon shop demolished last Thursday.

    A mate witnessed this incident so I have heard some further details but as I'm not a witness myself I won't repeat them here. There is apparently more on Facebook, somewhere.

    Thankfully no injuries.

    Suffice to say weapons-grade idiocy was a feature.

    Posted 3 months ago #
  7. gembo

    The thing about cocaine is that it makes you think you can drive

    Posted 3 months ago #
  8. chdot

    A woman has been charged following the death of a cyclist in a crash in Glasgow almost one year ago.

    John Morton, 64, died in hospital after a collision with a grey vehicle on Fielden Street, Glasgow, on Monday, May, 29, 2023.

    Posted 3 months ago #
  9. chdot

  10. chdot

  11. Greenroofer

    Left the house at 0700 this morning for a 70-mile tour of Peebles, Innerleithen, Granites etc etc. Very lovely (albeit damp). Courteous drivers on quiet roads and several examples of really exemplary behaviour, with drivers in vehicles of all sizes giving me space and taking their time to pass.

    Got back to Edinburgh and in the space of five minutes had a ludicrous close pass on Greenbank Drive, followed by a near-dooring on Morningside Grove, when an elderly driver threw their door open without checking (stay out of the door zone, folks!). Three minutes later I was home...

    Posted 1 month ago #
  12. gembo

    Yesterday morning I cycled through to Ayr to see my wee ma, the hangover from the football meant the roads were quiet. Made the poor driving from Mauchline to Ayr even more obvious. Hilarious hold up caused by horse drawn Buggy. Reversing back today was all good until the Lang Whang when some poor close passing and near death near crashes from the overtaking huge motors in the wrong lanes meeting the oncoming huge motors. All with added downpours. So glad to be home.

    Posted 1 month ago #
  13. chdot

    Anderson was jailed for 17 years and three months and is banned from driving for a further 21-and-a-half years once he is released.

    Posted 2 weeks ago #
  14. neddie

    Jeez. That is horrific.

    They also need to be sending the corporate executives to jail for supplying a vehicle capable of 140mph

    Posted 2 weeks ago #
  15. MediumDave

    The 32-year-old officer was targeted by a man driving a stolen Mercedes outside a petrol station on Stenhouse Road in Edinburgh on Tuesday evening.

    The car had been taken from the Gorgie Road area earlier that evening while a 16-year-old boy was still inside.

    He managed to escape before the crash at about 19:25 and a 27-year-old man was subsequently arrested and charged with offences including attempted murder, abduction and dangerous driving.

    Posted 2 weeks ago #
  16. mcairney

    Wow, no words. Hopefully the police officer makes a full recovery

    Posted 2 weeks ago #
  17. Frenchy

    13,322 folk caught speeding on the A9 in 2023, including someone driving at 140 mph. Not completely clear if those numbers are just in the single-carriageway sections (which have average speed cameras).

    But dualling is clearly the only way to improve its safety record.

    Posted 1 week ago #
  18. neddie

    So because he “just” rolled his Range Rover, “only” smashed up another car, and by “good fortune” didn’t kill anyone, the driver* was given a paltry £100 FPN.

    *Note, no mention of any driver in the article. Although apparently some unconnected man was given an FPN, just for being there. While a Range Rover rolled over 2 parked cars all by itself

    Posted 2 days ago #

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