CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » Debate!

  1. nevelbell

    Thanks to the moron in the Range Rover who screamed passed myself and another cyclist at speed on Maidencraig Road, I suspect due to being impatience for about 5 seconds.

    Come on!!!! Maidencraig Road? Was it necessary?

    Posted 11 years ago #
  2. wingpig

    A couple of drivers on Duddingston Road West who did that you're-not-really-there-so-I-can-just-go-straight-into-that--my-EMPTY-SPACE-behind-that-other-car on the approach to the pedestrian crossing by the school.
    People turning left out of Gilmore Place onto Home St doing so when there was insufficient space in the stream of cars they were joining, blocking the way across the junction for permeation-capable bicycles.
    People turning left out of Morrison St onto Lothian Road doing so when there was insufficient space in the stream of cars they were joining, blocking the way across the junction for permeation-capable bicycles.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  3. tammytroot

    My sympathies. Hope you and the bike will be OK.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  4. biggles1982

    First time I’ve actually felt like posting anything about rubbish driving.

    I was cycling up Duddingston Road yesterday evening at about 6:15 and was just approaching the speed bumps at South Field Farm Grove, as the inside of the road is rather pot holed and bumpy I was already riding out between the speed bumps bumps. A Green Mini then decided to pass me pretty closely and sped away towards the traffic lights (which were at red), as I approached I wasn’t going to say anything but noticed the guys window was down so as I went past I said “how about leaving some space next time, he responded by saying “you should move over from the middle of the road because you’re only on a bike”. I left it at this as I proceeded to the ASL. Once the lights went green I started cycling up Duddingston Road West, a few cars passed me and then the green mini decided to pass me even closer this time. I wasn’t “in the middle” of the road as he had suggested earlier.

    Another example of somebody willing to put a cyclist in danger because they are deemed to be “in the way” and then actually putting them in more danger by driving even closer just because they've challenged them on it.

    I don't think he would have been so brave if he wasn't protected by his metal box.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  5. kaputnik

    @EddieD I am glad it sounds relatively minor. Not that I was there, or in a position to make a judgement, but I'd always be suspicious of any driver offering to pay out of their own pocket so easily - you aren't to know if they are or aren't insured, if their vehicle is road legal, if they have a valid licence, if they have had a few too many wines etc. It's always worth involving the police if you're taken off your bike.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  6. EddieD

    You are, of course, perfectly correct, Kaputnik, but at the time, when I had just visited the tarmac, I was hurting, and a wee bit shocked, I just grabbed a chance to get things sorted quickly.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  7. Uberuce

    Hot bath, fine wine, EddieD. Listen to your Uncle Uberuce.

    Did he pay on the spot or give details or write a blank cheque? Cos if it's the latter I'm really sorry to hear about you losing that SRAM Red shifter.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  8. EddieD

    He has paid me the cost of a 105 double shifter (which was the bit that was broke), which has been ordered.

    I had to pay for the bottle of wine myself. Worked wonders.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  9. paolobr

    A selection from a brief spin out this evening (an hour at most):

    Why does a driver think that it's OK to pull out from a side road (N Leith Sands to Lindsay Rd) as I'm going past (East-West). Give me some room FFS. I've already noticed the car about to pull out from parking in front of the Scotmid which means that I'm already moving well out into the middle of the road? I signal and make sure I'm noticed and anyway there's a red light at the top of the road, so what's the hurry?

    An overtake as we're reaching a pinch point going east on Pier Place. I pass them on Commercial St. They've saved a second only to lose it in the long queues along at the Shore.

    The tanker driver who turns right out of Bath Rd in Leith onto Salamander St while there's much traffic (see above) to block the road both ways, as he can't complete the turn before the lights change. Only passable when the blue Transit behind him also turning manoeuvres inside to his left to give those of us turning right into Salamander Place enough room.

    It's not difficult! How much time are you saving? Patience? I've heard of it. Small stuff but grrrr.

    Angry of Pirniefield.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  10. Focus

    @ nevelbell

    I'm guessing you mean Maidencraig Crescent?

    The other day, after coming round from the NEPN towards Queensferry Road, with cars - as usual - parked on the other side of the crescent, a red people carrier drove towards me and stopped just in front of me, on my side of the road of course (due to the parked cars).

    The driver just sat there, staring at me as though it was my duty to get out of her way - something I could only have done by mounting the pavement as she'd left me no room to pass. However, she had stopped opposite the only gap between the parked cars, long enough for her to turn into to let me past. But no, she still sat there looking at me until I made a clear gesture that she should be the one to move into it. Was she stupid or selfish? Who knows, but she wasn't being very #nice!

    If I have to move to the wrong side of the road to pass parked cars, I know it's my responsibility to make way if I unexpectedly encounter approaching traffic. Seems some motorists don't think that applies to them...

    Posted 11 years ago #
  11. nevelbell

    @ Focus

    Yes, thats the one.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  12. Arellcat

    I was feeling tired this morning so was riding my Brompton instead, and trying to force myself to go at no more than 12mph. I'd forgotten that being on an upright bike automatically made me two-dimensional and that I would now fail to exist on the road.

    No sooner had I turned left from Craiglockhart Avenue into the bus lane than a driver decided they were too important to wait in the queue of other cars that stretched all the way to the next junction, and pulled out right in front of me. I executed a massive application of body english and a rather violent swerve to avoid being taken out. The driver stopped, and I stopped a moment later with thoughts of remonstration. I was too tired to go shouting, said something at normal volume about apparently not existing, which the driver wouldn't have heard anyway because I was ten metres further down the road. The driver motioned something about being sorry, I carried on and later merged with the queue. The driver carried on in the bus lane, along with a dozen others.

    I had to stop a couple of minutes later because I realised I was shaking.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  13. EddieD

    I'm glad you avoided physical harm (I wish I had your reflexes :( ) - that junction is always a wee bit dodgy, I use Slateford road in preference (!) to the Canal, and the section from Asda to the Blue Goose is always a bit nervewracking.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  14. OK, I wasn't there and its not Edinburgh, but this is gonnae be hard to beat.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  15. Kenny

    Remember this incident I had from back at the end of July?

    Same driver this morning:

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    Note the massive space on his side of the road that he failed to move into, like most other sane drivers would. I was half way to work when I realised why I recognised his number place. G18 BET - watch out around Drum Brae.

    That, however, wasn't nearly as bad as this near miss on my way home:

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    I stopped merely to see whether he'd stop to apologise. Silly me.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  16. Dunny

    @ mkns - is this anywhere near Drumbrae leisure centre? I could be wrong but I think I may know this guy. I'll check the reggie plate when I next pass his house and alert him to his youtube fame.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  17. chdot

    "alert him to his youtube fame"


    Posted 11 years ago #
  18. Kenny

    @Dunny - it is, the first incident was him almost running me over when turning right into the car park, the 2nd was about 50 yards further along the same road (about 6 weeks later)

    Posted 11 years ago #
  19. Dunny


    You're right. I highly doubt any good will come of it. Best to dive for cover from G18 BET if possible!

    Posted 11 years ago #
  20. ianmb

    Yesterday's bad driving to be accurate.

    Coming up Morningside Road into town, bus indicating to pull out so did the right thing and pulled in behind to let him out. Two cars behind me kept going, did the overtake on me and the bus with oncoming traffic coming the other way. Caught them all up at next set of lights, no time saved as usual.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  21. algo

    tonight two incidents, and I'm afraid having had a bad day I was in a bad mood so decided not to remain taciturn.

    One coming up Horse Wynd to go over the roundabout to Abbeyhill - car overtakes about 10 metres from the roundabout and cuts in with me to the left - opens the window and shouts nonsensical road tax stuff as we go round the roundabout then pushes me in towards the curb. Catch him up at the top of Abbey Mount but he pretends I'm not there and I leave it as it's not going to do any good. Unfortunately this put me in a worse mood.

    Then not much later after some errands I enter the ASL at East Preston Street heading West. As I proceed down West Preston Street avoiding the door zone, a car overtakes very closely just before the lights (which are red) then the one after tries to do the same but thankfully thinks better of it. The first car enters the ASL and I pull alongside. As the lights change I beat him from the lights to much beeping and shaking of fists and shouting about "middle of the road". I tell him at the next lights that I was avoiding the door zone - he says "There weren't any doors opening there".... it's hard to know what to say to that. When I said the words "door zone" and "primary position" - he just said "don't give me that.."

    The whole thing made me more annoyed at the NWC - instead of demonising cyclists by advertising the stereotyped things bad cyclists do, wouldn't it be nice if the adverts showed cyclists riding away from the door-zone, and taking primary position, or taking the lane - at least introduce the bikeability terminology to drivers. I find it very frustrating that drivers are not aware of these concepts, or look on them as they do the views of a rebellious teenager...

    Posted 11 years ago #
  22. wingpig

    The Hot Furniture Company's van, which decided to pass unsafely on Grange Road rather than wait ten seconds for a gap in the oncoming traffic.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  23. amir

    Most of the drivers on Eskbank Toll. You may in a "rush", but you don't have to risk the lives of others by zooming out of a blind entrance. Slow down!

    Posted 11 years ago #
  24. sg37409

    The taxi who tooted and gesticulated for me to move in to the left, as I was in primary in the bus lane coming in along the A8 this morning. He had to slow down and move out into the other lane for a mere bicycle.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  25. Dunny

    Yesterdays - I was too angry to post this yesterday.

    The rotund woman on Bankhead Drive heading toward Broomhouse Drive. At the roundabout joining the two roads, she blocked me in the inside lane with her white jeep when I was trying to move over to the right hand lane in order to go straight ahead. Not too big a deal, I hear you say.

    So I signalled right, no movement from her, she just stuck right behind and to the right of me, I tried to make eye contact with her and as I didn't think she saw me. She hadn't. Getting dangerously close to the roundabout now, so started to wave my arm up and down to further show my intention to change to the correct lane, and perhaps become more visible. Slowing down to go behind her, speeding up to go in front, she matched my every move. So did she see me? I believe that she thought I was gesturing in a different way to her. That is the only explanation for what happened next.

    Window comes down, full scale abuse, some of the things she called me are totally new to me. Then she spat, yes SPAT at me. It missed thankfully, but wow! What do you even do about something like that?

    Posted 11 years ago #
  26. ARobComp

    Dunny - you report it to the police if you can. Spitting is considered a form of assault one form yup from verbal abuse right?

    Posted 11 years ago #
  27. Dunny

    I should have yes ARobComp, but my description of her would be the same as you've read. Not too helpful. I will recognise her if I see her again though, so will get the plate.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  28. amir

    That's awful, Dunny.

    With this type of abuse that we have to put up, can we report them as hate crimes?

    Posted 11 years ago #
  29. Dunny

    amir - disgusting mate, right? I was on her left, which meant she had to lean over the passenger seat and put some force into it to get it out of her own car. I don't know if it was hatred against cyclists one and all, or if she just didn't like my helmet or whatever, but an interesting thought nonetheless

    Posted 11 years ago #
  30. Roibeard

    Not entirely rubbish, but yesterday I was proceeding northbound on the QBC and began indicating right to leave the cycle lane for Duncan Street.

    The motorist behind me did a "taxi manoeuvre" U-turning across the carriageway to park. However the actual taxi driver behind that didn't like this, having had to slow down, so he leans on the horn and gives the car driver what for.

    All the time heading for me, as I'm now attempting to turn right in front of a driver whose attention is most definitely not on where he's going...

    Repeated shouts got the taxi driver focused on the road ahead again, and having gained his attention, I could safely complete my turn.

    But for my "lifesaver", I might have been turning right in front of an oblivious driver "he came out of nowhere, cycled straight out in front of me, I never had a chance" would have been the statement...

    Can't say the taxi driver appreciated being shouted at, and probably wondered why I was making a fuss about getting his attention. #notnice of me, no doubt, but I'm here to type this!


    Posted 11 years ago #

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