CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » Debate!

  1. Kenny

    So it sounds as though they do not accurately log this information in as low a level as necessary, and thereafter make no indication that they will start recording accurately in future. Shame on them. Inadequate storage of low level detail prevents analysis, which restricts the ability to identify trends that need action taken.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  2. kaputnik

    Absolutely. Currently they could proudly tout their record of no recorded cases of ASL infringement... because nobody bothered to record them!

    Posted 11 years ago #
  3. twq

    Had a bus pull out in front of me when I was coming down Portobello Rd, very nearly got me. Maybe didn't want to look towards the sun. Pretty sure it's because I had my helmet cam in my bag.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  4. Stickman

    Came out of the work car park and turned left into Semple Street, planning to turn left onto Morrison Street. One car ahead of me at the red light, so I eased off as I knew they would be red for a bit longer. A car behind then did a completely pointless close pass to get ahead of me at the queue for the red light, about 15 yards away.

    He must have had the automatic "cyclist - must get past!" reflex.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  5. recombodna

    Porche driver tried to undertake me on a cycle lane as I was turning left off queensferry road down towards stockbridge. I was in the BIG white van...... what was she thinking?? she even had the cheek to drive past me and shake her head as I pulled up outside a customers house further down the street.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  6. Roibeard

    Heart in mouth moment this morning.

    Two cyclists in front in the inside lane, lorry driver overtakes in the outside lane, then indicates left as he comes up to the end of the bus lane.

    Still indicating left, the driver pulls in to the inside lane, trapping one cyclist in the middle of the trailer. The cyclist ahead of me brakes to drop behind.

    The driver keeps indicating left...

    I was sure it was going to be another "the cyclist stupidly came up my inside, I never had a chance" (never mind the cyclist!) moment.

    Fortunately the driver simply hadn't cancelled his indication, he just undertook the queuing traffic and went off.

    Unfortunately he was a "privateer" (or whatever the term was) - no markings on trailer or tractor, otherwise I'd be having a word with his employer instead of typing this...


    Posted 11 years ago #
  7. Min

    I got left hooked three times this morning. Three times.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  8. twq

    Jeezo, three times? I can gladly say I've only had one in the past year. I had 2 people overtake me on roundabouts today though. That's more my thing.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  9. kaputnik

    Goign through Murieston the car infornt of me and I had to do an emergency stop when a small white Fiesta van with ladders on the roof suddenly three pointed infront of us, only to turn immediately first left into Mcleod Street.

    I had someone overtake me in a housing estate around a blind right hand corner, forcing the oncoming car to stop and pull into the side to ensure that the clown not to smash into it.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  10. wingpig

    There was a right-indicating Bonaly Creamery van sitting right in the middle of the ASL box heading west from Waterloo Place this morning, presumably having reached it by U-turning from outside the shop/café thing on the corner.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  11. Baldcyclist

    Was the young taxi driver who decided to overtake me on the bend on Lansdowne Crescent, managed to catch him at a red light on Haymarket Terrace.

    I suggested that he might carry out that manoeuvre after the bend, rather than on it next time.

    He retorted that "Until you've had some *training*, you have no right to comment on my driving".

    I took my car key out of my back pocket and waved it in his face. "I have been *trained*, I have a driving license, look I even drive a car!"

    He changed his tune to "Well you shouldn't have been racing me to the corner".

    I then said "I was already in front of you all the way along that stretch of road, look" I said still waving my key in his face "I'm an old man who drives a volvo, I don't do 'racing'."

    He seemed not to appreciate my sense of humour and drove off cursing something through the window.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  12. 559

    Driver waiting to turn left out off Yeaman Place fully absorbed on her mobile, when I asked her to stop using the phone, her reply was that she had a "sick child to pick up at school",

    "Park up to complete your call"

    "No I have a sick child to pickup, what do you know"

    She then drove off.

    Her attitude was that the sick child excused using the phone whilst driving!

    Posted 11 years ago #
  13. twq

    @559 clearly you don't have your priorities right. You life is obviously worth less than her sniffly little bunny. "Sick" enough to go home and play their newly bought GTA.
    I may be extrapolating.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  14. kaputnik

    I was trialling out my new headcamera yesterday afternoon and found that the memory card supplier runs out on 50minutes of footage. That's just enough for a run to-and-from work, but I ended up down at Inverleith.

    While waiting to make a right turn onto Ferry Road, a white van came slowly past into the hatched yellow box with the driver on the phone. Seeing that the window was down I loudly commented that he had the honour of being the first miscreant I had filmed on their phone on my new camera. (even though I knew it was out of memory). He scowled.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  15. wingpig

    Someone tried to drive their red Mini straight through the roundabout at 30mph from Crewe Road South to Orchard Brae yesterday evening without slowing down, presumably because that's what the driver in front of them had done and they wanted to play too. Having heard them coming and not trusting people to behave at that roundabout I was able to stop short of where my path would have crossed theirs had they not eventually noticed that I was already going around the roundabout. Hopefully my braking came over as as wearily unsurprised as I had intended.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  16. 559

    of course, silly me

    Posted 11 years ago #
  17. Stickman

    Right hooked on Lansdowne Crescent.

    Which was Nice.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  18. twq

    @Stickman hope you & the bike are ok. Or should that be the bike & you?

    Posted 11 years ago #
  19. Stickman

    @twq - yes, both ok thanks. Was slowing for the lights so managed to stop about an inch away from the rear door. Don't think the driver even noticed despite my loud shout.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  20. wingpig

    SD07 XJZ, whose driver would have slammed their vehicle into the side of the boy and I on Murieston Crescent this afternoon had I not been precautionarily primary.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  21. Stickman

    We drove up to the Trossachs and did some walking today. A huge number of motorbikes around and some absolutely suicidal driving. Far too fast, overtaking on bends, the works. Genuinely frightening.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  22. Min

    A woman tried to drive into me at Drummond Place this morning coming out of London Road and I yelled OY to stop her. She stopped with a hairs breadth and I turned round as I went on my way to give her the chance to apologise as the last driver that did this here held up his hand to apologise. Of course she just gunned her engine and gave me an aggressive overtake to go with it.

    Listen love, if you are too stupid to realise that if the driver turning right is waiting, it probably means that someone is coming past then you are too stupid to drive a car. Of course if the Scottish Government are right behind you in condemning cyclists for being "aggressive" by doing such things as shouting out to try and prevent you from crushing them to death then why change your crappy behaviour?

    Posted 11 years ago #
  23. chdot

    @ Min

    Presume your driver wasn't over 70 -

    bbcgms (@bbcgms)
    23/09/2013 07:47
    more than 4 million people over age of 70 licensed to drive on the UK's roads. Should they face driving/medical tests? GMS @ 0750


    Posted 11 years ago #
  24. SRD

    Idiots turning from Victoria Street onto george IV who seem to think that instead of remaining behind their give way line until the way was clear, it would be clever to position their vehicle over the cycle lane.

    One did this on the way up - pulling out right in front of me (although since I was aiming for right turn lane, I stopped and asked him why he had done that and then went around him.

    Noticed on the way back that another had done the exact same maneuver.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  25. wingpig

    Yesterday, again with a visible child in the seat behind me, a wee codger in a wee car tried to squeeze in to my right at the newly-activated ped crossing at Haymarket, going from Morrison St to Dalry Road, despite me being right in the middle of the lane. He appeared to not be able to perceive me waving at him through his window. I veered left when the light changed in case he tried to maintain his position around the left-hand bend but his reactions seemed to be quite slow and I was able to regain my position in the middle of the lane before he started moving. He then overtook me before the first right-hand turn before immediately swinging back across to park in the bus lane.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  26. DaveC

    Black Saab estate (57 plate) driven out of Barnton Ave West on the way to work. We were at the crossing and the lights turned RED for Whitehouse Road. He just swung onto Whitehouse Road (left turn), noted the red light, wavered for a second then just gunned it through the red light, as we were crossing!

    Posted 11 years ago #
  27. Min

    Presume your driver wasn't over 70 -

    No. there are more than enough under 70s who seriously need to get their licenses taken away until they can prove they can drive properly.

    SRD Idiots turning from Victoria Street onto george IV who seem to think that instead of remaining behind their give way line until the way was clear, it would be clever to position their vehicle over the cycle lane.

    oh there are so many drivers who seem to think that the cycle lane is actually an advanced stop line for themselves at junctions.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  28. kaputnik

    motorbikess ...and some absolutely suicidal driving

    A pair of Darwin Awards in waiting on the A6093 road from Haddington to Pencaitland yesterday afternoon, no idea what speed they were doing (70,80 +?) and on the wrong side of the road round a bend. Fortunately their shennanigans could be heard from so far off we had enough time to be far left and out of the way.


    Posted 11 years ago #
  29. paolobr

    Yesterday, heading south on Lanark Rd, driver in outside lane decides he really meant to be turning left at Gillespie Rd junction, so swings over the front of the queue to position himself in front of the forward ASL. I sit behind him in the ASL box, glaring into his rear view mirror.

    Heading east on Commercial St, driver pulls left out of queue for lights at the Shore into bus lane and stops to drop off her partner. I'm left stuck behind as they have a chat and say their goodbyes while I'm waving at them to get a move on before I decide to filter past to her right. Not prohibited per se, but annoying.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  30. Pocopiglet

    Stickman, the driving on the roads up to Aberfoyle can be really hairy. We volunteer once a month at Gartmore House (Greenroutes in the walled garden there)and although you're in the middle of beautiful countryside, the roar from the enormous exhausts on motorbikes as they are gunned around the roads is really dreadful. I think they must do a circuit and open the throttle on the straights past Gartmore ( and a lot of the bends too).
    You also have to be on the lookout for some car enthusiasts who seem to think that rallying on open public roads is ok. We were subjected to some truly horrendous overtaking (on blind summits and blind corners at high speeds)by members of a Subaru enthusiasts group. Whilst wishing ill on anyone is obviously wrong, we were extremely smug when we came upon police attending the scene where one of said vehicles was now facing the wrong way with most of its front end gone having hit a tree and spun. (The occupants were standing at the side of the road and didn't seem in the least bothered!)

    There are often lots of groups of cyclists on road bikes going along these routes so dear knows how tragedy has been avoided.

    Posted 11 years ago #

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