CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » Debate!

  1. Cyclingmollie

    My guess is that someone hit the accelerator too hard, went into three parked cars on the other side of the bollards - one of them really hard - then panicked and reversed into and on top of the last car. I took a photo while I was waiting for my daughter to come out of school for a pre-arranged meeting but it doesn't show much more than one car on top of another.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  2. kaputnik

    I uess that the black car must have driven forward into the other cars and then reversed into the red car, otherwise how does the red car get the black car in the air when hitting it at the 9 O'clock position.

    I guess that's why many car parks and similar places have a 5mph limit...

    Posted 11 years ago #
  3. Oh, yeah, that IS odd. I think you're both right, looks like a panicked reverse after initial impact.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  4. Kenny

    Clermiston Drive, between Drum Brae Terrace and Drum Brae Crescent

    Yeah, that entire road is the current bane of my life at the moment. I constantly have cars coming towards me which should give way and fail to do so, and just drive straight at me. Had one do it last week, got the video, literally forced me into taking avoiding action rather than get hit, and I spotted that they live at the bottom of the road, near the cul-de-sac... can't decide whether to leave a note on their car, or pay a visit... should probably just do neither...

    That said, many cars also give way. I shouldn't forget that.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  5. 559

    @mkns, to be fair this is the first in a while, generally more good than bad recently.
    I probably would leave a note but would go for the constructive approach, but that's my opinion

    Posted 11 years ago #
  6. gembo

    Musselburgh Tesco has 68 year old in hispital

    Posted 11 years ago #
  7. the stupid git of a taxi driver who cut right infront of me, into the cycle lane, at summerhall approaching the meadows. To bloody impatient to wait a few seconds for his path to clear.

    The usual SMIDSY when I caught him at the next lights - well that's because you didn't bloody look!

    Very annoyed with myself I forgot his number (probably because of my wee canal incident!)

    Posted 11 years ago #
  8. Kenny

    Some quite sad behaviour from a Qashqai driver on the Ferry Road this evening. Video of it at the end of the post. The driver pulls out from side street, probably should have waited, but it was touch and go. Then the driver goes to turn right almost straight away, at which point I'm thinking that it was pretty rude, therefore, to pull out in front of me, since he's now clearly going to slow me down. What made it 10 times worse was that he then deliberately pulls his car over tightly to the *left* kerb in an attempt to prevent me filtering past him. Quite pathetic. It's this kind of driver who I just don't understand - what was he trying to gain by deliberately impeding a cyclist?

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    Posted 11 years ago #
  9. wingpig

    "Dear Lothian Buses:

    Re: Vehicle: SN11 EEH, Maisie-liveried #5 service
    22:10, Sunday 13/10/2013
    London Road westbound, Jock's Lodge to Abbey Lane.
    I must apologise to any passengers on this service who may have heard me shouting rude words.
    Please access and review all available CCTV footage from this bus as it passes between these two junctions in order to see exactly how little room the driver felt it necessary to leave between me (on a bicycle) and their enormous heavy bus. Having a bus a couple of feet away behind you is not very pleasant, especially when the driver then removes a hand from the controls in order to make an illegal, unnecessary and wholly threatening use of their horn.
    The bus was in the left-hand/bus lane crossing west from Piershill Terrace. I was in the straight-on lane, which is especially straight-on when Smokey Brae is closed. I was level with the bus going through the junction and forward of it going past Meadowbank House, and was intending to turn right just past Meadowbank Stadium so was staying in the right-hand non-bus lane rather than the parked-car-filled bus lane. However, the driver of this bus evidently felt I should have been elsewhere, resulting in their aggressive up-the-bottom driving and tooting. At >20mph in the rain being followed at the same speed by a vehicle whose stopping distance would be at least two bus lengths beyond the point at which I would have been squished underwheel is unpleasant, so I escaped to the side of the road before following the bus in order to get the registration. It is worth noting that I overtook the bus at the stop opposite Marionville Road, demonstrating that the driver attempting to get past me was of little use. Please try and stop them from pulling this sort of aggressive nonsense again, especially in the dark and wet."

    Posted 11 years ago #
  10. minus six

    Interested in seeing the reply to that, wingpig..

    Posted 11 years ago #
  11. neddie

    At crossroads between Gilmore Pl/Viewforth, heading South (up Viewforth). Black Ford Focus decides to overtake me despite a red light 20yards ahead, and I am in strong primary.

    Does not complete manoeuvre, so proceeds to slowly-force-cyclist-left-into-gutter, as if I'm not there.

    Mucho scowling & muttering from me.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  12. neddie

    (Friday ~8-30am).

    Woman in small silver car turning right from Riversdale Cres into Murrayfield Ice Rink car park with a mobile clamped to her ear.

    Children & cyclists everywhere.

    A policewoman happened to be standing on the bridge (for another incident) and gave her a ticking off, which lasted all of... 15 seconds!....

    I went back to say to the WPC, "She was on her phone. Did you see that?". To which I got back "Yes, I know, but I'm on my own, there's nothing I can do. We need 2 officers to catch them. I hate it myself. I gave her an earful"

    I was minded to say "Firstly... if your colleagues weren't so busy chasing down pavement cyclists at Haymarket, there might be a few more available to help you tackle the real dangers out there!", but thought better of it.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  13. wingpig

    Can polices not be fitted with colonial marine-style headcams?

    Posted 11 years ago #
  14. mgj

    @wingpig Well, the business case for all polis being fitted with cameras is pretty overwhelming following trials in Paisley and Aberdeen (IIRC). Crime of most sorts down by a quarter, and complaints against the police down to almost non-existent. Not my area of work anymore, so no idea where it has got to.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  15. Kenny

    One of those classic moments when a car turns right from a side street, completely misreading the speed I was going at. Credit to the driver though for driving on the other side of the street rather than squeeze me into the gutter, although it did take them a while to realise they were never going to get ahead of me, what with the queue of cars up ahead. Shame I had a spec of dirty right in the middle of the lens:

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    Posted 11 years ago #
  16. ARobComp

    Loanhead temporary traffic lights this morning. Filter up in the perfect gear for a sprint start. In front of a red van. I am ALWAYS faster than the average car driver away from the lights. however not this time as the van driver revs the s***e out of his van and charges forward and tries to overtake on the roundabout - of course there is no space so I give him a look (fat worky type with a crap moustache - I'm assuming it's my crisp trimmed tache that angered him) and accelerate around the rest of the roadworks.

    It takes him 10 seconds of so to catch up and we both enter the straiton roundabout together and he goes onto the bypass a whole 10 seconds earlier than he would have had he not tried to kill me with his crap van. (where I know at that time in the morning he'll be stuck in VERY slow moving traffic for at least 10 mins)

    Just WHY.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  17. amir

    Lots of "just why" this morning. All I can say (write) is "Aaaaaaargh".

    Posted 11 years ago #
  18. algo

    Yesterday night going along Strathearn road west - cars parked either side; oncoming traffic; door zone - only option is primary (in my opinion). I was being aggressively tailgated by a small car - it was so dark and rainy I didn't see what it was. As I went over the lights at whitehouse loan I hit an unseen pothole (another reason tailgating is so annoying) - and my front light went flying - just as the tailgating car made another attempt to find a way through me. I had to pull over and go back, only to discover about 7 or 8 cars driving straight over it despite me trying to jump into the road to save it - eventually a bus driver stopped to let me recover it - amazingly it still works as well and it's only a cheap thing.

    I got the distinct impression that all the following cars were annoyed at me for having "held them up" - I was easily about 20 and deliberately going fast as I knew I had a queue behind me - seriously though, in the rain and dark along there, why would you be doing more than 20?

    Posted 11 years ago #
  19. 559

    Not today, yesterday, white Fiat 500 coming out of Yeaman Place to head west along Dundee Street, busy texting or reading her phone, tap on her window as i pass and motion no re phone, she things funny, why Iam I "complaining". Honestly I don't mind if she kills herself, but others more likely victims.

    Today waiting at westbound stop on St Johns road outside Guitar Guitar lots of cars using bus lane, including "cyclists" well cars with bike racks. Certainly a lemming situation going on as once one car does it a whole gaggle follow on.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  20. pixelmix

    Today waiting at westbound stop on St Johns road outside Guitar Guitar lots of cars using bus lane, including "cyclists" well cars with bike racks. Certainly a lemming situation going on as once one car does it a whole gaggle follow on.

    I'm not 100% sure as I don't use that road often, but at least part of Corstorphine / St John's Road allows the bus lanes to be used during the day (outside of rush hour). Was this such a time and spot?

    Posted 11 years ago #
  21. adamthekiwi

    A few days ago, actually, this one...

    On the Craigs Roundabout in Stirling, in the afternoon - still light, good visibility (although cloudy). Chap pulls out in front of me - I quickly checked no-one was behind me and pulled around and alongside him, then pointed out (politely) that it is standard practice to give way when entering a r'bout; passed him (he was not accelerating quickly) and pulled in beyond. He passed me and shouted out that it was my fault for wearing black. During the day.

    When I caught him at the pedestrian lights, 20 meters further on, I very politely suggested that if his eyesight was so poor that he could not make out a large hairy man dressed in black on a green bike in daylight, he should consider contacting the DVLA to surrender his license. Ironically, his ridiculous, gutless, faux-by-four was black.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  22. Stickman

    Tonight on my approach to the omnishambles....

    Heading west on Morrison Street, lights in our favour as 3 cyclists head to the junction with Dewar Place/Gardener's Crescent. Car has come up through the green left filter lane on Dewar Place, them immediately does a u-turn to then left up Gardener's Crescent.

    Stupid stupid move, and didn't leave much margin for the lady on the bike in front given the wet weather.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  23. 559

    @pixelmix, was about 8am ish so bus lane valid, also solid line at lane side so not a car zone.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  24. wingpig

    Despite/because of the time, the busyness, the rain and the light levels, a people-carrier taxi's driver felt it necessary to express how irked they were at having been behind me since the ASL at the Fountainbodge junction by steaming past me on Bread Street, entirely crossing the white line in order to go the wrong way down the contraflow bus lane whilst so doing.
    Also making that distinctive over-the-right-shoulder high-revving noise was the driver who seriously seemed to think that overtaking whilst going over the top of Abbeymount towards Easter Road was a good idea, especially when the surface is in a state of being replaced, leaving a combination of rutted tarmac and cobbles. Fortunately they responded to being glared and sworn at.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  25. tarmac jockey

    Last evening on the Dalkeith Road, outside the very large pension provider. Cycled up to and into the ASL awaiting the change of lights from East Preston Street when a white van entered the ASL on my right hand side.I had no problem with this as the van may have been turning right down East Preston Street. However another car drew up in the ASL to my left, sandwhiching me in the ASL. I gestured to the driver of the vehicle on my left that they were in the ASL. The car window opened and the driver said I am not inconveniencing you! When the lights changed I cycled off and I could hear the driver shouting in the background - what they were shouting I do not know?

    Posted 11 years ago #
  26. kaputnik

    Tesco "you shop we drop" van heading east along Slateford Road this morning. Driver had the satnav in both hands and was concentrating on it, trying to make it work. I elected to let him pass before turning across the lane.

    Should have a picture off headcam to send to Tesco HQ.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  27. weiss

    Cycling up Easter Road this lunchtime, came to the junction with Albion Road with a mini in front of me, lights had been red for a while. The mini proceeds to roll into the ASL and then continue to coast another full car length past the ASL white line, finally stopping while completely covering the ped crossing. Couldn't believe it.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  28. @Wingpig I'm interested in your response too. I suspect you will get one.

    A couple of months back I was nearly taken out by idiotic bus driving, and forced across the central lines into the lane thankfully not containing oncoming traffic.

    I emailed LRT with nothing other than a polite request to review bus CCTV at given time/place.

    I got a response within 24 hours apologising for the "appalling" driving and a promise the appropriate action would be taken.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  29. wingpig

    The absence of any acknowledgement so far concerns me as it'll soon be beyond the purported seven-day cctv-retention date.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  30. douglaswaring

    Goes to all the cars driving east on West Maitland St, turning right onto Torphichen St who decided that the queue of traffic was far too long so pull out into the "Tram Only" lane (solid white line on both sides) - only to be squeezed over to the opposite lane going around the corner by the correctly positioned bus taking a narrow line.

    Posted 11 years ago #

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