I met Uberuce in real life yesterday. We exchanged greetings. I said I was Greenroofer on the forum, and he said he was YouBruce.
I walked away from the conversation thinking 'You're not YouBruce. I've always known you in my mind as Ooberoochay' (think Liberace).
Some names on the forum are obvious: you can't go far wrong with Dave, and I assume DaveC isn't pronounced Day-veck. I assume too that SRD doesn't favour the pronunciation Surd over Ess-Are-Dee. Similarly, I assume it's Ant, and not An-th.
For a long time I thought we had someone called Ree-com-bod-na on the forum, and in fact I still favour that rendering.
I've frankly no idea what sounds to make for Bhachgen.
Am I alone in this, or do we need a guide where the owners of potentially confusing pronunciations give a definitive view on how they like to be known?
...or does that spoil the fun?