CityCyclingEdinburgh was launched on the 27th of October 2009 as "an experiment".
CCE is 15years old!
Well done to ALL posters
It soon became useful and entertaining. There are regular posters, people who add useful info occasionally and plenty more who drop by to watch. That's fine. If you want to add news/comments it's easy to register and become a member.
RULES No personal insults. No swearing.
Well put WC.
I also agree with WC's comment. If safety and useability were prime factors, they would have placed the ASL on Gilmore Place about 4 metres further back.
It wasn't very long ago that the Tarvit Street exit was blocked by roadworks. Where did all that traffic go? It realised the road was shut, and planned an alternative route. 'Traffic' is becoming like obesity and needs to go on a diet. Perhaps those roadworks can be done again, making it two-way for bikes and with a bike-only exit to the main road.
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