Stephan Matthiesen (@St_Matthiesen)
08/02/2013 20:42
@CyclingEdin Do you know council's priorities for potholes? Get bike lanes higher priority because holes more dangerous for bikes?
Cycling Edinburgh (@CyclingEdin)
08/02/2013 21:08
@St_Matthiesen No but "Get bike lanes higher priority because holes more dangerous for bikes?" is a good idea
Try @AndrewDBurns @LAHinds
Stephan Matthiesen (@St_Matthiesen)
08/02/2013 21:10
@CyclingEdin @AndrewDBurns @LAHinds There is good case for fixing potholes in bike lanes first, as they can lead to serious injuries.
Lesley Hinds (@LAHinds)
08/02/2013 22:43
@CyclingEdin now we have agreed the extra funding, prioritising that expenditure will happen