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Do we need a coronavirus thread?

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  1. nobrakes

    Thought I would post my recent travails in Covid land, from a cycling perspective. It hasn't been fun.

    Got it for the 4th time just as we went up north on holiday for a fortnight. We were in the middle of nowhere on the end of the Gairloch peninsula. Literally the last house other than the lighthouse at the end. Laid low and rode it out. Got it pretty bad again, had me doing nothing for several days either side and a few days sleeping in bed. Excruciating head and back pain and a really bad hacking cough. 6 weeks later my lungs are still giving me a lot of grief and I feel pretty tired most days.

    The annoying thing is that this year I finally figured out a bike training method that works for me and was in great form. As @LaidBack knows I have been transitioning back to standard bikes after 5 years on recumbents and have been enjoying pushing my competitive nature on the local roads.

    I basically decided to go all-in on a training regime to peak for the Tour o the Borders and had hoped to get a sub 3.30 time for the first time, but I think I'll be lucky if I'm able to even get round the course at all now. Probably going to have to just forget it. Every few days I go out and do an easy spin and the next day my lungs are back in a vice and I'm coughing like crazy.

    I was actually going to post does anybody want an entry for £10 but I missed the transfer date.

    I have spoken to a few folk in the village of a sporty nature and some of them have the same story - hit by the recent wave and finding their lungs are not yet recovering. Seems like quite a bad one. Hope you all manage to avoid.

    Second year running I've paid for an entry and then not being able to ride due to Covid (well, this year - probably. Maybe I'll improve dramatically in the next week, you never know)

    Posted 2 years ago #
  2. chdot

    Very sad

    “but I think I'll be lucky if I'm able to even get round the course at all now. Probably going to have to just forget it.”

    Well you know enough about Covid now to be able to judge if it is a good idea nearer the time.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  3. chdot

  4. Stickman

    Upthread there was a question about dashboard statistics and how they should be interpreted. This is a good explanation from Public Health Scotland about the changes I alluded to:

    Posted 1 year ago #
  5. steveo

    Do we need a coronavirus thread?


    (After 1700 posts and 2.5 years I've been aching for that)

    Posted 1 year ago #
  6. SRD

    heh heh heh

    I actually wondered and waited several weeks before creating the thread...

    back when my work required me to keep track of potential threats etc

    Posted 1 year ago #
  7. chdot

    So it’s your fault we weren’t alerted sooner??

    Posted 1 year ago #
  8. steveo

    Yeah SRD why didn't you shut the borders earlier :)

    Posted 1 year ago #
  9. crowriver

    @Stickman, hm.

    Don't wish to seem too cynical, but this smacks of caving in to the Covid deniers' classic troll of "with or of"? Given the wide ranging health impacts of infection/reinfection, someone might be admitted to hospital because of a pre-existing condition made worse by Covid, but if they're not admitted "because of" Covid, they'll not appear in the statistics.

    Nice conjuring trick that. Pandemic? What pandemic? Now you see it, now you don't...

    Posted 1 year ago #
  10. chdot

    Got my flu jab today- asked them about the omicron-specific booster. Not being given to people my age through the NHS or privately. Frustrating going into winter (and a new COVID wave) knowing my immunity from previous vaccine has waned and that I’m at risk of being ill.

    Posted 1 year ago #

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