From same thread
Even so, can we go deeper? Back to 'and what causes that?' What leads a culture/society to believe it can grow forever, when it knows it lives on a planet, has in fact seen and photographed that planet suspended in the darkness of space, singular, unitary, bounded?
It all starts with the assumption that ‘human’ is the most important thing and that the world (Earth/Universe?) was ‘made’ for humans and intended to be used by them (well the “them” who got themselves in charge - agriculturalists, industrialists, politicians, dictators etc.)
After that, considerations of when/whether things will run out (at least for those who already have more than enough) are hard to bother about.
Add in a political system where the future is considered in years (at most) rather than decades and where people are expected (for the sake of GDP and the wellbeing of large companies) to buy what they have just seen on telly/Facebook and the chance of analysing ‘why’, AND getting anyone to pay attention, is small.
So far the argument has been won by those who persuade the most people that ‘more of the same’ is better than the/any alternative.
The fact that this won’t be possible ‘for ever’ and (perhaps) will come to an end well within the lifetime of most people now alive, is not believed or at least so much not wanted that any sort of rational reality is ignored.
Most people will only consider an ‘alternative’ they think is better than what they have now.
Too many are willing to believe all sorts of promises dangled before them and have no desire to check ‘the facts’.