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‘15 minute city’ or ‘20-minute neighbourhood’?

(134 posts)

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  1. chdot

    Just had a meeting with the '20 minute neighbourhood' team about coming improvements for walking, wheeling and place in Gorgie/Dalry. Early days but I'm genuinely excited by what i heard. It's vital that community groups engage at an early stage.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  2. Morningsider

    Would the 20-minute neighbourhood team's time not be better spent working on areas that aren't already 20-minute neighbourhoods?

    Posted 2 years ago #
  3. chdot

    It’s a valid question!

    Though first problem is working out what are key/necessary elements of a 20MN.

    Also if CEC understands and has a rational way of judging ‘suitable’ areas and what they need to have added.

    There must be plenty of areas in Ed that are effectively 20MNs, depending on where you draw the boundaries. Others where it would be virtually impossible.

    So do you designate areas that already meet agreed criteria? Do you work on places that need an extra box ticked? Do you work on a more challenging area where success might be more noticeable as quite a lot will have changed??

    Posted 2 years ago #
  4. chdot

    Small cities are really optimal for cycling. Nobody in my city is more than a 4 miles from downtown. The biggest barrier is the lack of safe cycling infrastructure, and that's a much easier issue to tackle than miles upon miles of sprawl.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  5. chdot

    Local residents in Gorgie Dalry are now being invited to share their thoughts on how the area around Dalry Road could be improved. Participants have the option of sharing their views either online or in person at a series of local events.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  6. chdot

    Mohsin Issa, Asda’s co-owner, said: “A key part of our growth strategy is to provide customers with more opportunities to shop at Asda closer to where they live or work. With more than three-quarters of the UK population visiting a convenience store in the last 12 months, the potential for growth in this market is significant. Our ambition is to become the convenience destination of choice by providing shoppers great value and a comprehensive and convenient range of products and services under one roof.”

    Posted 2 years ago #
  7. chdot

    Will Oxford residents be confined to their local area?


    The misinformation online has linked the traffic filters to the 15-minute neighbourhoods proposal in the City Council’s Local Plan 2040, suggesting that the traffic filters will be used to confine people to their local area. This is not true.

    The 15-minute neighbourhoods proposal aims to ensure that every resident has all the essentials (shops, healthcare, parks) within a 15-minute walk of their home. They aim to support and add services, not restrict them.

    For the benefit of Oxford residents, what we are aiming to do is to ensure that areas of the city such as Barton, Blackbird Leys and Rose Hill have all the essential services that areas such as East Oxford and Jericho already have.

    Under the traffic filters, residents will still be able to drive to every part of the city at any time – but in the future, at the times when the filters are operating, you may need to take a different route (e.g. using the ring road) if you want to travel by car.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  8. neddie

    It's a good idea, but too confusing the way they've implemented it. They're allowing residents 100 "passes" to drive through the filters (which more or less negates any benefit aside from removing those driving through every day)

    Posted 2 years ago #
  9. chdot

  10. chdot

  11. chdot

    15 MINUTE CITIES I spoke in Parliament today to ask the Government to hold a debate on the international socialist concept of so called 15 minute cities and 20 minute neighbourhoods.

    1/7 #Doncasterisgreat #stronglocaleconomy

    Yes that’s an MP

    Posted 1 year ago #
  12. neddie

    Why has this been designated a "socialist" concept? It seems pretty normal, sensible and centrist to me.

    What is the alternative conservative / right-wing concept? Everyone forced to buy several cars, forced to live in detached houses, each on one acre of land, with all the land covered in concrete so that driving in any direction is possible between them?

    Posted 1 year ago #
  13. chdot

    For more info on how great a 15 minute can be visit Ghent

    Posted 1 year ago #
  14. Morningsider

    @neddie - this is straight out of the Brexit playbook. Associate LEZs, 20-minute neighbourhoods and the rest with "a loss of freedom". If there is one lesson I hope people have learned from Brexit, it is the importance of story telling.

    Rather than going about "debunking" myths we need to paint a positive picture. LEZs etc. give people freedom FROM dirty air, noise and road danger and freedom TO play, chat, walk, cycle and create true neighbourhoods.

    That said, we also need to be far, far stronger in calling the racists, nut jobs, anti-semites etc. arguing about "climate lockdowns" exactly what they are. The natural reticence of many reasonable people to engage in confrontation allowed these people to dominate the Brexit debate, facilitating the slow accommodation of Fargists, their hangers on and their arguments by major political parties and the media.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  15. chdot

    “Rather than going about "debunking" myths we need to paint a positive picture.”


    Easier said than done unfortunately.

    Problems include ‘status quoism’ - the belief/assumption/fear that ‘most’ people ‘like’ ‘the way things are’.

    In-built presumption with (many) politicians and officials that cars are ‘normal’ and ‘everyone has one’ - will if not, ‘everyone wants one’.

    Even to the extent that is/isn’t true, it’s certainly not the case that all car owners actually want to drive everywhere.

    It’s all the hangover of DECADES of car-centric policies and spending.

    Makes it impossible for SNP/SG to say ‘yes, dualling the A9 was in our manifesto, but things have changed’.


    ‘And it conflicted with other policies in our manifesto’.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  16. chdot

    This is where things are NOW -

    #WinchburghJunction first stage opens -

    Promised #RailStation may now never happen -

    @scotgov said "the M9 Junction would play an important role in enabling the Developer to deliver the railway station" -

    Don’t suppose Winchburgh has many ‘20-minute neighbourhoods’?

    Obviously Spokes isn’t posting this because ‘that means people wanting to get to Winchburgh on a train with their bikes won’t be able to’.

    Spokes has campaigned for better conditions for cycling for decades. It suits some people to say ‘but they don’t care about pedestrians’.

    The same people usually ignore the reality that conditions that adversely affect those with bikes often impact on pedestrians even more.

    Spokes has a wider view on ‘transport’.

    In spite of the fantasies of car-based malcontents, Spokes does NOT ‘control the council’! (Even less the SG.)

    Posted 1 year ago #
  17. chdot

    Red bit doesn’t seem to be a cycle lane -

    Posted 1 year ago #
  18. chdot

    “Liveable Neighbourhood”

    Would that be more socially acceptable/viable??

    Posted 1 year ago #
  19. chdot

    My bold

    “Berlin has lots of space and barely any commuters – a lot of people live close to where they work,” said Prof Andreas Knie, a mobility researcher at the WZB Social Science Center that will supervise the Gräfekiez project. “In theory, it has all the right conditions in place to become a model ‘city of short distances’,” he added, citing the concept of compact living spaces that urban planners have championed for more than a decade.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  20. chdot

    Portobello town centre provides vital local services to communities across the east of Edinburgh and beyond.

    We would like your views on the streets, public spaces, local facilities and amenities that exist in Portobello. Do they look and function as well as you would like?

    This project is part of our 20-minute neighbourhood strategy to develop places where everyone can have better access to essential local services and open spaces, while enjoying excellent transport and active travel links to the rest of the city.

    We welcome comments across Portobello, particularly the area from King’s Road in the north, Baileyfield Road in the west, Milton Road East in the south, and up to and including the Promenade and coastline.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  21. chdot

  22. MediumDave

    Update from the Gorgie Dalry 20 minute neighbourhood.

    Feedback looks to have been mostly sane, the roasters did get a shout out though:

    some of you raised concerns that this project might limit freedom of movement for local people. This project is about making it easier for you to access facilities and services by walking, wheeling, cycling or using public transport and will not restrict you or anyone else from getting to or from any other part of the city.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  23. the canuck

    If anyone is on NextDoor, please keep an eye out for someone calling themselves Jan Fraser, as they are full on spewing "the World Economic Forum is using 20 minutes neighbourhoods to trap people in their home and force them to buy food online so that they can monitor your spending..." nonsense.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  24. MediumDave

    Oh yes that one is ubiquitous. Somebody is running an information operation...

    Usually gets short shrift though, which is reassuring.

    I occasionally swim in the cesspool that is NextDoor but not often.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  25. SRD

    The vox pops from that protest in Oxford. <horrified face>

    Posted 1 year ago #
  26. SRD

    Serious question: has this Oxford model of ‘permits’ been tried elsewhere? Isn’t designing it to be unpleasant/slow/difficult to travel across sectors (as in Utrecht?) the more tested approach?

    Posted 1 year ago #
  27. chdot

    Stories about 15-minute cities being prison camps are nonsense, but car-centric planning over the last 100 years has led to children's freedom being massively reduced. There was no public debate and no vote. It just happened. Let's get back what's been taken from us.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  28. chdot

    Just cycled home from town. The anti-LTN folk seem to have turned Cowley Road into an LTN. Closed by Police at the Plain although waving bikes through with a smile. @TVP_Oxford also out in force on bicycles and horses. Few police cars. Nicely played Officers, nicely played.

    Posted 1 year ago #
  29. chdot

  30. neddie

    American far-right organisation

    Posted 1 year ago #

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