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  1. chdot

    Longer days from tomorrow

    Posted 7 months ago #
  2. paddyirish

    Two little recent wins from my commute, One is a widening off the drop curb on Lumsdaine drive in Dalgety Bay and the removal of a second chicane in South Queensferry. Little things that should have been right first time, but at least they can be reversed

    Posted 7 months ago #
  3. nevelbell

    Tomorrow, the 22nd, is actually 8 seconds shorter than today. We have to wait till' the 23rd this year for longer days.

    Posted 7 months ago #
  4. gembo

    Yeah, Evan on Radio 4 tried to say today was solstice and tomorrow the day would be longer but the weather forecaster said tomorrow shorter and need to wait til 23rd

    Lovely day today though.

    Posted 7 months ago #
  5. boothym

    Two little recent wins from my commute, One is a widening off the drop curb on Lumsdaine drive in Dalgety Bay and the removal of a second chicane in South Queensferry. Little things that should have been right first time, but at least they can be reversed

    You'll be pleased to know there's also going to be some more kerb improvements and a better link path in DB.,-travel-and-parking/roads-and-pavements/active-travel/dalgety-bay-national-cycle-network-minor-works,-travel-and-parking/roads-and-pavements/active-travel/dalgety-bay-national-cycle-route-76-the-bridges

    Whereabouts in SQ has the chicane been removed?

    Posted 7 months ago #
  6. chdot

    The Bridges (that’s actually a road) upgrade is absurdly long overdue.

    Not sure it should cost this much…

    Timeline: The construction work is scheduled to be completed by spring 2024.

    Distance: 80m approx.

    Approximate infrastructure investment: £40,000

    Nice that they are using the word “investment“ though.

    Posted 7 months ago #
  7. dessert rat

    At Tesco Canonmills this month:

    1. extra bike racks (badly installed, but due to be relocated).
    2. Pedestrian crossing installed at entrance (huge win).
    3. Speedbump on the exit to stop peds being mowed down.
    4. Widening of the path connecting Tesco with NCR75.

    turns out if you ask nicely and explain why, Tesco powers are happy to help / spend some money.

    Posted 7 months ago #
  8. chdot

    “4. Widening of the path connecting Tesco with NCR75.”

    Where exactly? Instead of mud strip opposite tunnel?

    “turns out if you ask nicely and explain why, Tesco powers are happy to help / spend some money.”

    Did you?

    Lots of people have for years. Site visits by Cllrs etc!

    Posted 7 months ago #
  9. dessert rat

    @chdot - it's the thin 2 paving slab wide path end of the hedge which is being widened. The muddy desire lines will never be fixed/formalised/resolved.

    I managed to get x2 Clrs, plus Spokes Martin to a site meeting with the Tesco Store Manager last month.

    Lovely Tesco lady had started all of her 4 actions within a few weeks.

    x2 Clrs yet to make any progress with their actions (temp wands at entrance to reduce bell-mouth, and fix drop-kerbs and get paint on the exit. Still i will chase as/when I can find the energy.

    The ped crossing which has been painted at the entrance aligns with the two drops kerbs and is right on the Tesco land / CEC boundary. No point in even trying to get a CEC crossing, as it'll take years.

    Posted 7 months ago #
  10. chdot

    Well done!

    Please PM me which Cllrs - just for my info.

    “The muddy desire lines will never be fixed/formalised/resolved”

    I understand your scepticism, but this level of progress is impressive, and a good start…

    Maybe a new manager?

    Previous ones have been ‘well you know, not up to me, Head Office…’

    Previously -

    Posted 7 months ago #
  11. Yodhrin

    Must be either a very recent change in management of the store, a very recent change in whoever deals with the requests at HQ, or just years of badgering - I certainly got a similar fob-off when I tried contacting them a year or so ago I think it was. HQ said "talk to the store manager", store said "that's HQ's decision nuffink to do wiv us".

    Are the bike racks proper sheffield stands this time or are they still using those awkward funny shaped ones, and do you know where they'll be located in the end? And are they going to be properly concreted in this time? Because if not sorry Tesco, I'll be continuing to lock up to the supports for the canopy, I'm not trusting a rusty old bolt and a fancy plastic wall anchor into some tarmac.

    Posted 7 months ago #
  12. dessert rat

    Racks are not sheffield no - she said they have only one type available to request from central facilities, so it was them or none. They are located opposite the entrance/exit to the lift to the underground carpark. They are not ideal, but I'd say better than none.
    They need to be relocated either 1m away from the wall or somewhere more suitable. But given the other improvements they've made, I'm not going to give them a hard time for this just yet.

    unknown if new store manager or not. I prefer to imagine the change in willingness to accommodate is down to my innate people skills and sparkling personality /s.

    Posted 7 months ago #
  13. chdot

    “down to my innate people skills and sparkling personality“


    There are a LOT of issues that need your talents…

    Posted 7 months ago #
  14. Yodhrin

    Yeah pass. My dlock fits around the big thick metal posts for the canopy and that's what I'll continue to use, those things are a pain to lock to even if they were to be moved back a bit, and they're not something I'm comfortable relying on to keep my ebike safe.

    Honestly I don't get what's wrong with supermarkets - they're either dragging their heels and insisting on relatively poor quality nonstandard fixtures like Tesco, or are completely indifferent and provide nothing at all. Did all the 1960's era traffic engineers who weren't snapped up by ECC's traffic department get jobs as retail managers or something?

    Posted 7 months ago #
  15. neddie

    Looks like Tesco Broughton also resurfaced their car park, no doubt costing £10s of 1000s. So the money and will to make improvements are there, as long as it’s for cars.

    Same story at Sainsburys Gorgie a few years ago. They spent loads on resurfacing, paint, wooden barriers and pointless signs, only for drivers to drive into them, knock them over and smash them up.

    Cars ruin everything

    Posted 7 months ago #
  16. dessert rat

    @neddie - not wanting to defend Tesco to much and also i agree with the will to make car improvements always seems to be there in general.
    But the tesco works was because the waterproofing of the carpark had failed resulting damage to the structural integrity of what is the roof of the lower level. Or so it was explained to me. But yes it'd be 10s of 1000s and we get a few hundred on paint, some poor racks and a few paving slabs.

    Posted 7 months ago #
  17. acsimpson

    I'm late to the Solstice party but I reckon meteorological effect should be considered as well as astrological. Today may have been the solstice but personally I am declaring Tuesday the 12th as the shorted day of the year. Even after 9am it wasn't light enough to ride without lights, it then rained all day which of course meant it also got dark at least half an hour before sunset.

    Posted 7 months ago #
  18. mcairney

    Tesco must be doing a general refresh of their car parks as the one in Musselburgh has also been resurfaced and repainted. Of course the cycle parking is still a bunch of wheelbenders tacked onto the side of the building with no cover.

    Posted 7 months ago #
  19. gembo

    Thriepmuir Car Park re opened, plenty of bits of earth that will be parked on, extension not open yet, groovy new TOILETS not open til January but going to be great

    Big row of toblerone bike racks too.

    Posted 7 months ago #
  20. paddyirish

    @boothym, replied to your PM, but for everyone else,

    There were 3 horrible chicanes between Scotstoun Avenue and Dalmeny Village.,+South+Queensferry/@55.9817016,-3.3815514,17z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x4887cff066b2127b:0xa0c681c7ca3a470!8m2!3d55.990003!4d-3.3990449!16zL20vMDFtMHl2?entry=ttu

    One at the South end of Killiekrankie Path on an awkward slope was removed a few months back, but the one at the Northern end is gone now and been replaced by bollards.

    This leaves the one just W of the Railway bridge on the offroad part of Main St. This is better than it used to be, But I'd still be unsure if a handcycle or @Arellcat's Torpedo could get through. Both would be worth a try.

    Posted 6 months ago #
  21. boothym

    Thanks for the reply - yeah I noticed that one had been replaced by a bollard last time I was there, good the other two have gone as they just seemed to add unnecessary conflict.

    Posted 6 months ago #
  22. fimm


    Tesco .. in Musselburgh ... cycle parking is still a bunch of wheelbenders tacked onto the side of the building with no cover.

    I don't know where those wheelbenders are: there's a load of the kind of racks seen in dessert rat's photo round the corner at the bottom of the steps in the direction of the GP surgeries. They're a similar distance from the wall, but they've been there so long that the bolts holding them to the tarmac look fairly rusted in place, so I do use them.

    Posted 6 months ago #
  23. mcairney

    Yep it was those racks I was thinking of. I tend to lock my bike up by the trolleys as I'm not convinced the racks at the side of the building are covered by CCTV

    Posted 6 months ago #
  24. dessert rat

    Tesco update - link to NCR75 complete.

    Paint to the rear exit and relocated racks still needed, then they've done everything we asked. Remarkable.

    Shame that the x2 Clrs have yet to make any progress on their actions, specifically:
    1. fixed the drop-kerb and get stop-lines painted at the rear.
    2. get temp wands installed to reduce the bell-mouth junc at the entrance.

    Posted 6 months ago #
  25. gembo

    You got a Clubcard?

    Posted 6 months ago #
  26. Tulyar

    In the West .... the Tescos I use both let bikes come inside, and get 'parked' by the check-outs

    Never a problem with the Lidls

    Likewise Farmfoods

    Might need to insidiously get this accepted for all shopping trips with a bike?

    Posted 6 months ago #

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