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Today's rubbish driving...

(11268 posts)
  • Started 12 years ago by Stepdoh
  • Latest reply from neddie
  • This topic is sticky

  1. steveo

    Hope in ground; Council are looking into it...

    Posted 2 years ago #
  2. Murun Buchstansangur

  3. chdot

  4. chdot

  5. chdot

  6. chdot

  7. chdot

  8. Murun Buchstansangur

    "A taxi driver who deliberately drove an eight-seater minibus at a cyclist who had criticised his driving has been jailed for two years."

    Posted 2 years ago #
  9. mcairney

    Got cut up going back down the Rigg by a Hyundai PX78 XUY on a blind bend with oncoming traffic. The oncoming van was just about forced off the road and was thankfully able to stop otherwise this could have been really nasty

    Posted 2 years ago #
  10. ejstubbs

    Right-hooked by PHV registration DU17 VWF on Lanark Road yesterday.

    Heading westbound approaching the bridge over the WoL, I was in the right-hand lane in preparation for turning right down Inglis Green Road at the lights. He pulled out from the kerb, drifted along the bus lane for a bit and then started to edge in to the RH lane in front of me. I assumed he was just being a bit an MGIF and started to slow down, when he suddenly did a U turn in front of me. I just managed to avoid a serious collision, but he did collect a mark from my front tyre just behind his rear wheel. I may have used a naughty word while expressing my disapproval at his lack of attention. He seemed entirely unconcerned by the whole incident and sailed off with barely a backward glance. (Given that a collision actually occurred, does that count as leaving the scene of an accident?)

    Video evidence (sans audio) was captured. Who should I report this to: police, or the PHV licensing people?

    Posted 2 years ago #
  11. fimm

    I think that someone (or certain animals) has to be hurt before leaving the scene of an accident becomes a thing. If it is damage "only" it does not count. I think.

    That does not mean you should not report it.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  12. Frenchy

    From Highway Code rule 286:

    If you are involved in a collision which causes damage or injury to any other person, vehicle, animal or property, you MUST

    • stop. If possible, stop in a place of relative safety (see Rule 275
    • give your own and the vehicle owner’s name and address, and the registration number of the vehicle, to anyone having reasonable grounds for requiring them
    • if you do not give your name and address at the time of the collision, report it to the police as soon as reasonably practicable, and in any case within 24 hours.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  13. fimm

    Yes, just coming back say that I'm wrong.

    Road Traffic Act 1988
    170 Duty of driver to stop, report accident and give information or documents.
    (1)This section applies in a case where, owing to the presence of a mechanically propelled vehicle on a road or other public place, an accident occurs by which—
    (a)personal injury is caused to a person other than the driver of that mechanically propelled vehicle, or
    (b)damage is caused—
    (i)to a vehicle other than that mechanically propelled vehicle
    or a trailer drawn by that mechanically propelled vehicle, or
    (ii)to an animal other than an animal in or on that mechanically propelled vehicle or a trailer drawn by that mechanically propelled vehicle, or
    (iii)to any other property constructed on, fixed to, growing in or otherwise forming part of the land on which the road or place in question is situated or land adjacent to such land.
    (2)The driver of the mechanically propelled vehicle must stop and, if required to do so by any person having reasonable grounds for so requiring, give his name and address and also the name and address of the owner and the identification marks of the vehicle.
    (3)If for any reason the driver of the mechanically propelled vehicle does not give his name and address under subsection (2) above, he must report the accident.
    (4)A person who fails to comply with subsection (2) or (3) above is guilty of an offence.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  14. Murun Buchstansangur


    I'd say taxi licensing would be the way to go. If it's judged serious enough (I know - who's doing the judging?), it used to end up with an actual real live Polis Scotland Inspector.

    Previous thread:

    Posted 2 years ago #
  15. Frenchy

    @Murun - from the council's Comments about taxi or private hire car page:

    "Please direct matters of alleged criminality or breaches of road traffic laws to Police Scotland and not the licensing service"

    (No harm in sending them an email anyway, though).

    Posted 2 years ago #
  16. ejstubbs

    Video here (apologies for the quality):

    I stopped. He didn't.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  17. MediumDave

    jeez. Glad you were on the ball and managed to stop.

    Off with his gentleman's equipment I say! Only language they understand...

    Posted 2 years ago #
  18. chdot

    The driver could not read the plate until it was only three metres away. Her licence was immediately revoked.

    But officers later discovered that she had already travelled 214 miles from Manchester to Suffolk.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  19. chdot

    Four police officers have been rushed to hospital after a crash.

    Merseyside police have confirmed that two marked patrol cars were responding to separate emergency incidents when they were involved in a crash. It happened at around 1.20am, on Monday, July 11.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  20. chdot

  21. chdot

  22. chdot

  23. chdot

  24. chdot

  25. Stickman

    Two men were rushed to hospital on Saturday afternoon after a collision on a busy Edinburgh road.

    The two cyclists, both aged 64, were involved in the crash, that occurred on Corstorphine Road.

    The driver of the car involved in the incident will be reported to the Procurator Fiscal

    The exact location wasn’t given, but I’ll bet it was the junction of Corstorphine/Balgreen Road.

    Posted 2 years ago #
  26. Murun Buchstansangur

    Unbelievable, no ban. Drivers are Teflon

    "A pensioner knocked a schoolboy flying over the bonnet of her car and left him in the road as she drove off to play golf.

    Hit and run driver Muriel McPherson told a court she knew she had struck the boy but "panicked" and fled the scene without stopping. Perth Sheriff Court was told that the former golf club captain simply drove off to make her pre-arranged tee time at Blairgowrie Golf Club.

    The 13-year-old boy sustained injuries, but 79-year-old McPherson has been allowed to keep driving after a sheriff decided not to ban her. The court heard how McPherson watched the boy bounce off the bonnet of her car and land on the street in front of her, but then failed to pull over.

    McPherson, a past captain at the club, admitted driving carelessly on Glasgow Road in Perth on 14 August 2020. She was given six penalty points and fined £400.

    Sheriff Francis Gill told her: "It is fortunate that the consequences here were not more severe for the complainer. As an experienced driver you ought to have known that you should have stopped the car and remained at the scene."

    McPherson, of Glasgow Road, Perth, admitted failing to slow for a red light, before hitting the youngster, who was on his way to school. She also admitted failing to stop her Volkswagen Polo after the accident."

    Posted 2 years ago #
  27. Frenchy

    ...six points...

    Posted 2 years ago #
  28. gembo

    Eastern Star (lady Masons)

    Posted 2 years ago #
  29. chdot

  30. chdot

    Earlsfield school crash: Mum 'lost control' before she ran over pupils

    Posted 1 year ago #

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