Came out of Castle Terrace from the Farmers' Market this morning, towing trolley and small person, only to have rogue cyclist blast out of Kings Stables Road, across pavement, and through Lothian Road pedestrian crossing, causing us to have to stop and watch our step. Then, as we started up again, and were trying to get to crossing before green man disappeared, an early teens roadracer type (red and white racing strip lycra), looks at us, puts on a burst of speed and goes through green man and red light. ARGH. Both knew EXACTLY what they were doing (there were cars stopped at crossing). My foul mood ameliorated only slightly when a recumbant (that you Laidback?) went through a few minutes later, and waited nicely at lights....
Sometimes I despair, and wonder why we bother campaigning for more consideration to be given to cyclists, when they are so IGNORANT.