I'm putting this here as I have to accept some responsibility for what happened but I may mirror it in the rubbish driving thread.
I joined Forrest Road from Teviot Place, at the same as two cyclists joining from MMW. I overtook one of the cyclists but that was daft as there was a red light up ahead to join George IVth bridge. That was a misjudgement on my part. I was intending to go right on Chambers Street but inadvisedly used the filter lane on the left - I can't remember why now. I would normally join the queue of traffic. As the lights changed I attempted to filter into the flow of traffic behind the first car, but the car behind accelerated to close the gap while gesticulating so I couldn't despite me indicating right and looking over my shoulder. I therefore let this car pass and went to filter in front of the white van behind that, but it also tried to close the gap. I had already started to move so the driver leaned on the horn without apparently slowing and came incredibly close to knocking me off as I turned right, shouting something unintelligeable as I went past. I don't know exactly how close he came but I was really shaken up.
I accept that I made some bad decisions coming up Forrest Road and apologise to the cyclist who I overtook who will have witnessed all this. I also accept that I didn't properly shoulder check to move into the gap behind the belligerent second car, but that was pretty tricky at the time. I think the van driver had been annoyed by my previous filtering on Teviot Place and was intent not to let me out. I also drive a white van and would never think about overtaking a cyclist there - going right or not.