CityCyclingEdinburgh Forum » Infrastructure

Gogar Roundabout South Ped Crossing

(13 posts)
  • Started 11 years ago by emuir
  • Latest reply from Murun Buchstansangur
  • This topic is sticky

  1. emuir

    I made contact with Edinburgh City Council with regards to the cycling provision for those attempting to cross the Gogar Roundabout, specifically heading West along the A8.

    I commented on the dangerous pedestrian crossing along the South side of the roundabout for it required the leap of faith (hoping cars use their indicators when turning of) and the difficulty in crossing when there's a steady stream of cars.

    The response from the council was that it would be too expensive to implement a traffic controlled crossing as money could be better spent elsewhere and so they intend on putting better signage to direct cyclists to use the shared use pass on the North side. I then replied pointing out that this was not convenient and that the elderly would find it difficult to use the bridge at the RBS and finally mentioned that this is not what the Dutch would do. The response from that was a story about how the Dutch got their infrastructure and that if the road layout changes in years to come then they will consider putting traffic signals in. My final reply was to then suggest improving the crossing at the Maybury junction for crossing there required navigating multiple pedestrian crossings.

    The actual letters can be found here:

    Overall it was heartening to see that Edinburgh City Council is taking inspiration from the Dutch but simply adding signs does not sound good.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  2. kaputnik

    Good for you - personally I think the foot/cycle crossing at the northern junction of the Bypass onto the roundabout is a hiding to nowhere and indeed should be removed. Apart from RBS, there's nothing on that opposite side of the bypass from Maybury to access on the south side of the A8.

    Pragmitacally, I think they should spend any available funds improving access on the alternative (and much safer) north side of the A8. Unless that is there's money for a bridge, in which case, I'm in!

    Alternatively, they could get together with Edinburgh park and properly surface the most northernly right of way underpass of the bypass and link it at either end (either through, or around the field). The right of way is established enough that they had to build the underpass in the first place, but it simply leads into a field with the light use of the dog walker and adventurous rambler keeping a rough and vaguely defined path going.

    Posted 11 years ago #
  3. HankChief

    Apart from RBS, there's nothing on that opposite side of the bypass from Maybury to access on the south side of the A8.

    Apart from the cyclepath heading further West...

    The cyclepath on the North side isn't complete between the RBS bridge and the Airport Road. This is one of the deficiencies of the current cycle infrastructure as it adds to quite a bit of time to a Newbridge-Gogar commute.

    Coming back to the Gogar Roundabout, if you are coming out from the Gyle, you still have a difficult crossing of the Eastbound exit slip which has near continuous traffic most of the time. (the alterntaive to get a completely safe route is to use the multiple pedestrian crossings at the Marriot Hotel/ Maybury Casino - but that is very convoluted and adds about a mile!)

    And when you do make it to the 'safety' of the cycle path on the North side, you face 3 separate problems in little more than half a mile before you cross back to the South side.

    1. Tram Depot Entrance

    2. Castle Gogar Entrance

    3. An increased number of foot passengers walking up and over the RBS bridge (once the trams start working)to negotiate.

    Time will tell what the improvements to the cycle path next year will be - They should be published in advance of implementation to allow for comments. Some previous discussion here

    And then we have them digging up the A8 again to put in a pedestrian only underpass into the new Edinburgh Gateway Interchange, which Spokes said

    The planned Gogar rail/tram station will have a vital A8 pedestrian underpass: crossing a dreadful road, and a potential cycle link to Edinburgh's International Business Gateway, the airport and more. But, despite 28 objectors and pleas from council transport planners, the underpass is to be get off and push, it leads only to the station (with no direct link to existing paths) and it is to close at night.
    (Someone will keep me right if this has changed since then)

    Yes, to make safer more welcoming infrastructure is harder and more expensive to retrofit, but the more that councillors get to see the impacts of their or their predecessors decisions the more hope we can have for the future...

    Posted 11 years ago #
  4. neddie

    Whether the new Gogar Station will actually provide a direct route under the A8 at Maybury remains to be seen

    Dear Councillor Burgess,


    Thank you for your e-mail, dated 22 April 2015, regarding the above issue forwarded from your constituent, _____.

    During the Planning Application process the Council requested that the underpass be made shared use for cyclists and pedestrians. However, the applicant (Network Rail) argued that the quality and security of the station would be reduced by permitting cycle use 24 hours per day. These arguments were accepted by the Council – more detail can be found in the report to the Planning Sub-Committee.

    It should be noted that the Council has required good quality cycle access to the end of the subway from the A8 path in order to ensure that any inconvenience to cyclists is minimised (details of this can be found on our Planning Portal). We will also make contact with the new ScotRail franchise holder to discuss whether there is still any potential to permit cyclists to use the subway.

    I hope that you find our response helpful.
    Yours sincerely
    Brian Sharkie
    Strategic Planning Manager

    Posted 9 years ago #
  5. neddie

    For previous background, see also DdF post:

    Posted 9 years ago #
  6. HankChief

    @edd1e_h Thanks for sharing. It seems to me there is confusion between 2 separate but important questions

    1. What access rights and how good is the connection for cyclists when the station is open?

    2. Same question but for when the station is closed.

    Saying you don't want a 24hr shared use path should only impact q2. No reason why we shouldn't have a good route for q1 which will be when most people will be using it anyway.

    Posted 9 years ago #
  7. HankChief

    I came across a Swiss visitor at Maybury this morning. She was perplexed on how to get to the airport and whether she was allowed or felt safe enough to cycle on the A8.

    I got her follow me round the gauntlet that is the southern path of the Gogar Roundabout and set her on her way.

    It's pretty embarrassing infrastructure - without any protection for the vulnerable - I felt pretty ashamed to have to show a visitor it.

    To make matters worse, the reason she was cycling that bit was the conductor wouldn't let her bike on the tram.

    Posted 8 years ago #
  8. chdot

    "wouldn't let her bike on the tram"

    Only allowed outside peak hours.

    Posted 8 years ago #
  9. ih

    ...and not at all during the festival.

    Posted 8 years ago #
  10. HankChief

    Agreed, but if you come from a country without these restrictions on public transport it will catch you by surprise.

    Posted 8 years ago #
  11. chdot

    "but if you come from a country without these restrictions on public transport"

    How many of those are there?

    Posted 8 years ago #
  12. HankChief


    Posted 8 years ago #
  13. Murun Buchstansangur

    I don't think bikes are allowed on trams in Switzerland either, certainly not on weekdays. Or in Holland either, for that matter (not officially anyway).

    Not that it makes the Great Wall of Gogar any more right...

    Posted 8 years ago #

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